Instant Response Garbage Disposal Using Android Application

Year : 2023 | Volume :01 | Issue : 01 | Page : 18-24

Vedant Pingale,


Tanuja Patil,


Palash Walali,


J.W. Bakal,

  1. Student, Computer Science, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Computer Science, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Computer Science, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, Maharashtra, India
  4. Professor, Computer Science, Pillai HOC College of Engineering and Technology, Rasayani, Maharashtra, India


Solid waste is a major concern for government bodies and is a consequence of development, modernization, and urbanization. It refers to anything that is not a gas or liquid and poses a serious threat to the natural environment. Solid waste is a type of refuse that can accumulate in a certain area for an extended period of time if not properly managed. The waste can persist in the environment until it is removed, incinerated, or carried away by natural forces such as water. Solid waste needs to be disposed of appropriately to prevent environmental pollution and threats to human and animal health. In order to lessen the harmful effects of solid waste on the environment and human health, proper waste management is crucial. This makes it a significant matter in front of sustainable development. Reusing, reducing, and recycling waste is essential for a sustainable society. Waste collection has always been a problem in developing countries because of inadequate infrastructure, and inappropriate route planning. Artificial intelligence can help protect people from hazardous waste. For countering this very issue, we introduce to you our approach towards Solid waste Collection. A Mobile App which gives you a platform to register your complaints and further segregates those complaints on the basis of the severity. The solution focuses on enhancing the current process of municipal bodies and without changing their current work flow. The functionalities of actually giving the validation in the hands of the user makes the solution unique and gives government bodies complete data for tracking the worker as well. Other advancement which we provide countering the existing system is directly connecting the user with the cleanliness workers and hence gives us a working efficiency and removes the middle layer which connects them. Overall performances of our users are well organized and maintained.

Keywords: Garbage collection, cleaning, android studio, google cloud, firebase

[This article belongs to International Journal of Mobile Computing Technology (ijmct)]

How to cite this article:
Vedant Pingale, Tanuja Patil, Palash Walali, J.W. Bakal. Instant Response Garbage Disposal Using Android Application. International Journal of Mobile Computing Technology. 2023; 01(01):18-24.
How to cite this URL:
Vedant Pingale, Tanuja Patil, Palash Walali, J.W. Bakal. Instant Response Garbage Disposal Using Android Application. International Journal of Mobile Computing Technology. 2023; 01(01):18-24. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received 18/04/2023
Accepted 22/06/2023
Published 20/07/2023