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Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 30-Mar-2024

Evaluation of the anti diabetic effects of ethanolic root extract from polyalthania longifora in diabetic rats induced by streptozotin and nicotinamide with considaertion of toxocological aspects

Suresh Kumar, D.varun, N.V.priya Rekha, K.Hemanth,
AbstractThe root of Polialthia Longifolia was selected for the evaluation of antidiabetic potential in
STZ-nicotinamide induced diabetic rat model.The root . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 07-Mar-2024

Development and validation of a method for simulataneous determination of tenovifir disoproxil fumarate emtriculabine and isonized in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form using RP-HPLC with relevance to toxicological aspects

Nadapana Rakesh, D.Swapna,
AbstractHence, proposed analytical methods are simple, novel, economical, rapid,
sensitive, reproducible and accurate for the Simultaneous estimation of . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 30-Mar-2024

Development and validation of a method for simulataneous determination of tenovifir disoproxil fumarate emtriculabine and isonized in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form using RP-HPLC with relevance to toxicological aspects

Nadapana Rakesh, D.Swapna,
AbstractHence, proposed analytical methods are simple, novel, economical, rapid,
sensitive, reproducible and accurate for the Simultaneous estimation of . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 07-Mar-2024

Evaluation of the anti diabetic effects of ethanolic root extract from polyalthania longifora in diabetic rats induced by streptozotin and nicotinamide with considaertion of toxocological aspects

Suresh Kumar, D.varun, N.V.priya Rekha, K.Hemanth,
AbstractAbstract: The root of Polialthia Longifolia was selected for the evaluation of antidiabetic potential in
STZ-nicotinamide induced diabetic rat . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Original Research Published on :- 30-Mar-2024

Evaluation of the anti diabetic effects of ethanolic root extract from polyalthania longifora in diabetic rats induced by streptozotin and nicotinamide with considaertion of toxocological aspects

Suresh Kumar, D.varun, N.V.priya Rekha, K.Hemanth,
AbstractAbstract: The root of Polialthia Longifolia was selected for the evaluation of antidiabetic potential in
STZ-nicotinamide induced diabetic rat . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 07-Mar-2024

Overview of Diabetic Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Examination

Gagan Devi, gyanendra Gupta,
AbstractIndia has earned the
unfortunate distinction of being the
global epicenter for diabetes, with an
alarming projection of 109 million
individuals . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]

Ahead of Print  Subscription Review Article Published on :- 30-Mar-2024

Overview of Diabetic Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Examination

Gagan Devi, gyanendra Gupta,
AbstractIndia has earned the
unfortunate distinction of being the
global epicenter for diabetes, with an
alarming projection of 109 million
individuals . . .

[This section belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Toxicology (rrjot)]