
Index Copernicus - Indexing Bodies

Index Copernicus

Index Copernicus (IC) is an online database of user-contributed information, including profiles of .. scientists, as well as of scientific institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland, and operated by Index Copernicus International. 


ICV Value

2022  :
Advanced Science Index (ASI) - Indexing Bodies

Advanced Science Index (ASI)

Advanced Science Index is an indexing service that indexes publishers of scientific materials. 


Google Scholar - Indexing Bodies

Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that specifically searches for scholarly literature, including .. articles, theses, books, and conference papers, across a wide range of disciplines and sources. It can be used to find scholarly articles, research papers, and other types of academic literature, including books and theses. It is free to use, and anyone with an internet connection can access it. 


Citefactor - Indexing Bodies


Citefactor is a service that provides access to quality controlled Open Access Journals. The .. Directory indexing of journal aims to be comprehensive and cover all open access scientific and scholarly journals that use an appropriate quality control system, and it will not be limited to particular languages or subject areas. The aim of the Directory is to increase the visibility and ease of use of open access scientific and scholarly journals thereby promoting their increased usage and impact. 


Scientific Literature (SCILIT) - Indexing Bodies

Scientific Literature (SCILIT)

Scilit is a comprehensive content aggregator platform for scholarly publications. It is developed .. and maintained by the open access publisher MDPI AG . It is offered for free to scientists, scholars and the interested general public. Using widely automated approaches to sourcing and curating data, we cover newly published content from a variety of data sources within hours or days. Scilit currently covers journal articles, book chapters, monographs and preprints. 


Genamics - Indexing Bodies


Genamics JournalSeek is the largest completely categorized database of freely available journal .. information available on the internet. The database presently contains 39226 titles. Journal information includes the description (aims and scope), journal abbreviation, journal homepage link, subject category and ISSN. Searching this information allows the rapid identification of potential journals to publish your research in, as well as allow you to find new journals of interest to your field. 


Indian Science Abstract - Indexing Bodies

Indian Science Abstract

ISA is a fortnightly abstracting journal reporting current Indian scientific work published in India .. and abroad. MAPA is a bimonthly abstracting journal covering world literature on agronomy, botany, pharmacognosy, and biological activities of medicinal and aromatic plants by scanning around 600 journals. 
