Corporate Rebranding

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

P. Megaladevi,

S. Vasanthakumar,



  1. Professor Department of Management Studies, Jai Shriram Engineering College Tamil Nadu India
  2. Student Department of Management Studies, Jai Shriram Engineering College Tamil Nadu India


The companies engaged in production are changing their brand names are frequently. They do this for the changes they do in their brand. The present paper gives understanding about the corporate strategy in rebranding their products and analyzes the impact of such strategies on brand equity. The paper examines the clear-cut view about rebranding strategy in industries, as well as eliminate the competitors in the commodity market, and advertising and promoting the product to the people in different way. The paper exposed a conceptual model to integrate different dimensions of rebranding. Analyzing the rebranding strategy by determining the leverage of brand equity from basic level of the brand hierarchy
to the other constitutes an interesting way for further research. Executives are reminded that dimensions of rebranding needs to be managed holistically and supported by all stakeholders, with specific attention given to employees’ reactions. The present paper is of value to anybody seeking to understand the rebranding technique, including academics and business managers.

Keywords: Rebranding corporate rebranding, advertising, elimination of competitors

How to cite this article: P. Megaladevi, S. Vasanthakumar, Rubasree, Karthikselvan. Corporate Rebranding. NOLEGEIN Journal of Advertising and Brand Management. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: P. Megaladevi, S. Vasanthakumar, Rubasree, Karthikselvan. Corporate Rebranding. NOLEGEIN Journal of Advertising and Brand Management. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received April 12, 2021
Accepted April 23, 2021
Published January 24, 2023