An Intelligent cloud system for disaster communication and management involving IoT mesh networks

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : 11-20

Dr. Pooja Sahni,

Rachna Manchanda,

Dr Rinkesh Mittal,

Abhishek Sharma,

Vishal Kumar Sahni,

Nidhi Chahal,

Preeti Bansal,

  1. Professor,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India
  2. Assistant Professor,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India
  3. Professor,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India
  4. Student,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India
  5. Assistant Professor,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India
  6. Assistant Professor,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India
  7. Assistant Professor,, Chandigarh Engineering Colleges -CGC Landran,, Punjab,, India


Disaster coordination and communication are key areas of rescue. Nevertheless, the frequent interruptions in old communication channels underscore the need for alternative approaches. Modern communication technologies play a critical role in enhancing disaster management. This paper proposed an effective approach wherein a local communication network is created which will aid emergency responders in responding to disasters, with the aim of improving their ability to handle emergencies quickly and efficiently. Advanced technologies such as network connectivity, LoRa, Mesh networking, IoT GSM and advanced security measures are utilised for this purpose. Additionally, this network unites all these technologies to produce a highly efficient communication system that can function effectively even in the most challenging circumstances. This paper discusses how these technologies can be utilised in to overcome the limitations of conventional communication methods in times of disaster.

Keywords: Mesh networking, LoRa (Long Range), IoT GSM, GPS, Disaster communication

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems (rtecs)]

How to cite this article:
Dr. Pooja Sahni, Rachna Manchanda, Dr Rinkesh Mittal, Abhishek Sharma, Vishal Kumar Sahni, Nidhi Chahal, Preeti Bansal. An Intelligent cloud system for disaster communication and management involving IoT mesh networks. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; 11(03):11-20.
How to cite this URL:
Dr. Pooja Sahni, Rachna Manchanda, Dr Rinkesh Mittal, Abhishek Sharma, Vishal Kumar Sahni, Nidhi Chahal, Preeti Bansal. An Intelligent cloud system for disaster communication and management involving IoT mesh networks. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; 11(03):11-20. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received 10/08/2024
Accepted 20/08/2024
Published 01/10/2024

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