Hybrid Approach for Community Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 03 | Page : 1-10

S. Srividhya,

Dr. Lavanya S.R,

  1. Associate Professor,, KPR College of Arts Science and Research Coimbatore, Uthupalayam,, Tamil Nadu,, India
  2. Associate Professor,, KPR College of Arts Science and Research Coimbatore, Uthupalayam,, Tamil Nadu,, India


Community detection in complex networks is a fundamental problem with applications across diverse domains, ranging from social networks to biological systems and beyond. Traditional methods based on graph theory have been widely used for identifying communities within networks. However, the intricate and evolving nature of modern networks demands more sophisticated approaches. This research paper proposes a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of deep learning techniques with traditional community detection algorithms for improved accuracy and scalability. Leveraging the capabilities of deep learning models, specifically Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), the proposed approach aims to learn intricate patterns and representations from network data, encoding rich structural information into node embeddings.  The first phase involves employing Graph Neural Networks, such as Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs), to learn node representations that encapsulate complex relationships and local structures within the network. These learned embeddings capture both topological information and node attributes, enhancing the understanding of the network topology. Subsequently, the learned node embeddings are integrated into traditional community detection algorithms, such as   spectral clustering to form a hybrid framework. This integration allows for the utilization of deep learning-based representations within established community detection methodologies, aiming to enhance the accuracy and robustness of community detection. The proposed hybrid approach is evaluated on various benchmark datasets and real-world networks to assess its effectiveness in detecting communities. Performance metrics such as modularity, conductance, and coverage are utilized to evaluate the quality of detected communities compared to standalone traditional or deep learning-based methods. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the hybrid approach, showcasing improved modularity, conductance, coverage and runtime compared to individual methods. Furthermore, the paper discusses the significance of leveraging both deep learning techniques and traditional algorithms in community detection tasks.

Keywords: Community Detection, Deep Learning, Graph Neural Network, Hybrid Approach, Graph Convolution Network

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems (rtecs)]

How to cite this article:
S. Srividhya, Dr. Lavanya S.R. Hybrid Approach for Community Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; 11(03):1-10.
How to cite this URL:
S. Srividhya, Dr. Lavanya S.R. Hybrid Approach for Community Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; 11(03):1-10. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rtecs/article=2024/view=176497


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 03
Received 23/07/2024
Accepted 10/08/2024
Published 01/10/2024

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