Railway Track Safety System

Year : 2024 | Volume :02 | Issue : 01 | Page : –

Ahmad Ihsan,

Rohit Golvin,

Stebin Stanly,

Rahul R,

Sanjai Steve Stanly,

  1. Student, Electrical and Electronics, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam, Kerala, India
  2. Student, Electrical and Electronics, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam, Kerala, India
  3. Student, Electrical and Electronics, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam, Kerala, India
  4. Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam, Kerala, India
  5. Assistant Professor, Electrical and Electronics, Bishop Jerome Institute, Kollam, Kerala, India


Railway Track Safety System (RTSS) is a comprehensive monitoring system specifically designed for the Indian railways. It consists of three subsystems that target specific challenges faced by the railways. Our main focus is on addressing four key problems. The first two issues involve cracks in the rails and foreign objects on the tracks. Cracks can occur naturally or be intentionally created to derail trains. Objects like stones can accidentally roll onto the tracks, while some people deliberately place large objects that can cause accidents. To combat these problems, we have developed a crack and object detection system. This innovative solution uses radio frequency waves to analyze the railway lines and compare them with a reference wave. Whenever any irregularities are detected, an alert panel immediately notifies the authorities. Another critical problem we have identified is unauthorized tampering of lane changing levers. This can lead to catastrophic consequences if left undetected. To prevent tampering, we have introduced a lever tamper prevention system. This system continuously monitors the real-time position of each lever and transmits this information to alert panels at every railway station. This ensures that any unauthorized interference is promptly detected and addressed. The final problem we address is related to wildlife. Many railway tracks pass through areas with a high density of wildlife. To mitigate the risks associated with this, our third system uses motion detectors to identify the presence of wildlife. It then utilizes ultrasonic sounds and laser technology to deter animals from approaching the tracks, reducing the chances of accidents. By implementing the RTSS, we are confident that we can significantly improve the safety and efficiency of the Indian railways. By proactively addressing these four critical issues, we aim to create a secure and reliable railway system.

Keywords: Radio wave, Finite Element Analysis, Optical Fiber cable, Microcontroller

[This article belongs to International Journal of Industrial and Product Design Engineering (ijipde)]

How to cite this article:
Ahmad Ihsan, Rohit Golvin, Stebin Stanly, Rahul R, Sanjai Steve Stanly. Railway Track Safety System. International Journal of Industrial and Product Design Engineering. 2024; 02(01):-.
How to cite this URL:
Ahmad Ihsan, Rohit Golvin, Stebin Stanly, Rahul R, Sanjai Steve Stanly. Railway Track Safety System. International Journal of Industrial and Product Design Engineering. 2024; 02(01):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/ijipde/article=2024/view=176082

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 02
Issue 01
Received 20/05/2024
Accepted 06/06/2024
Published 21/06/2024

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