Fire Monitoring and Suppression System for a Car using by Automation and Existing Technology

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-10

Ramjee Singh Prajapati,

Aryan Raj,

Chiranjiv Anand,

Darpan Pandita,


Fire Monitoring and Suppression System for a car using Automation and Existing
Technology presents a comprehensive review of fire monitoring and suppression systems for vehicles. The
Project aims to explore the causes of vehicle fires, existing technologies for fire detection and suppression, and a
proposed working model for implementing fire safety measures in automobiles. The literature review within the
project provides a thorough analysis of the primary causes of fires in passenger vehicles, including engine fires,
mechanical failures, fuel tank issues, and short circuits. The review also highlights concerns related to electric
vehicles, such as battery-related incidents like overheating, fire, and explosion, as well as fuel leakage and
electrical short-circuits. The project delves into various existing technologies and research papers related to fire
detection and suppression systems for vehicles. It references studies on detecting fire and control systems using
logic system, fire safety for CNG buses, vehicle exterior fire suppression techniques, and automatic fire
extinguishing systems for electric vehicles. The use of detectors such as flame, heat, smoke, and carbon monoxide,
as well as fire extinguishment methods using CO2 and ultra-fine DCP powder, is also discussed. The document
provides information on the use of water-mist extinguishing media and linear heat detectors for fire safety in
vehicles. Water-mist systems use fine water sprays to extinguish fires, while Linear heat detectors are expertly
crafted cables that can detect heat or abrupt spikes in temperature throughout their entire range. These technologies
being considered as part of efforts to enhance vehicle fire safety. The project aims to provide valuable insights into
the challenges and potential solutions related to vehicle fire safety. Given the potential risks associated with
vehicle fires, there is a growing need for effective fire safety measures in automobiles. The proposed model for
implementing fire safety measures in automobiles is a step towards addressing this need. By utilizing existing
technologies and research papers related to fire detection and suppression systems for vehicles, the model aims to
provide a cost-effective solution to the challenges of vehicle fire safety.

Keywords: Water-mist, menthol, linear heat detectors, Arduino.

[This article belongs to Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering (joise)]

How to cite this article:
Ramjee Singh Prajapati, Aryan Raj, Chiranjiv Anand, Darpan Pandita. Fire Monitoring and Suppression System for a Car using by Automation and Existing Technology. Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering. 2024; 11(01):1-10.
How to cite this URL:
Ramjee Singh Prajapati, Aryan Raj, Chiranjiv Anand, Darpan Pandita. Fire Monitoring and Suppression System for a Car using by Automation and Existing Technology. Journal of Industrial Safety Engineering. 2024; 11(01):1-10. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 30/04/2024
Accepted 07/05/2024
Published 08/05/2024

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