Remote Controlled Boat for Hyacinth Removal

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 20-26

Sandeep Nalage,

Alisha Bandal1,

Atharva Pardesi,

Smita Reddy,

Apurva Jagtap,

  1. 5Professor,, Shree Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune,, Maharashtra,, India
  2. Student,, Shree Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune,, Maharashtra,, India
  3. Student,, Shree Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune,, Maharashtra,, India
  4. Student,, Shree Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune,, Maharashtra,, India
  5. Student,, Shree Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Pune,, Maharashtra,, India


This research focuses on the design and production of Hyacinth infestation poses a significant ecological and economic challenge in many aquatic ecosystems, causing disruptions in water quality, biodiversity, and water transportation. To address this issue, we have developed a remote-controlled boat specifically designed for hyacinth removal. This innovative solution leverages the capabilities of autonomous watercraft, equipped with advanced sensors and a specially designed cutting mechanism, to efficiently and effectively manage hyacinth infestations in water bodies. The remote- controlled boat operates through a user-friendly interface, enabling precise navigation and monitoring of hyacinth- affected areas. It incorporates cutting-edge technology, including GPS and remote-control capabilities, to ensure efficient coverage and accuracy in hyacinth removal. Additionally, the boat is equipped with an environmentally friendly disposal system, reducing the impact of hyacinth removal on the aquatic ecosystem. Our research and development efforts have focused on optimizing the boat’s design, navigation, and hyacinth cutting mechanism to ensure that it can handle various hyacinth densities and adapt to different water conditions. Field tests have shown promising results in terms of reducing hyacinth infestations while minimizing labor and operational costs. In conclusion, our remote-controlled boat for hyacinth removal represents an innovative and sustainable solution for managing hyacinth infestations in aquatic environments. Its ability to efficiently and precisely target hyacinth affected areas makes it a valuable tool for conserving aquatic ecosystems and supporting the economic activities that rely on clean and navigable waterways.

Keywords: Water hyacinth, remote controlled boat, removal, tds water quality sensor, ardunio uno.

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics (rtfm)]

How to cite this article:
Sandeep Nalage, Alisha Bandal1, Atharva Pardesi, Smita Reddy, Apurva Jagtap. Remote Controlled Boat for Hyacinth Removal. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; 11(01):20-26.
How to cite this URL:
Sandeep Nalage, Alisha Bandal1, Atharva Pardesi, Smita Reddy, Apurva Jagtap. Remote Controlled Boat for Hyacinth Removal. Recent Trends in Fluid Mechanics. 2024; 11(01):20-26. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received June 7, 2024
Accepted June 14, 2024
Published June 27, 2024

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