Advances in Nanotechnology-based Biosensors: Enhancing Sensitivity and Specificity in Biomedical Diagnostics

Year : 2024 | Volume :26 | Issue : 02 | Page : 26-32

S. Anand,

  1. Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Infant Jesus College of Engineering, Chennai,, Tamil Nadu, India



This study provides an in-depth exploration of the rapidly evolving field of nanotechnology-based biosensors, emphasizing their significant impact on biomedical diagnostics. The integration of cutting-edge nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanowires, and quantum dots, has catapulted biosensing technology to new heights, yielding unprecedented gains in sensitivity and specificity, and revolutionizing the detection of biomolecules. The study highlights various types of nanobiosensors, including optical, electrochemical, and magnetic, each offering unique advantages for detecting specific biomarkers or environmental contaminants. The review covers recent advancements in nanobiosensors that enable early disease detection, which is crucial for timely medical intervention. It also addresses their growing role in point-of-care diagnostics, offering portable and efficient solutions for real-time health monitoring. Moreover, the potential of these technologies extends beyond healthcare, with applications in environmental monitoring for detecting pollutants and harmful chemicals. Future directions are explored, focusing on the development of more cost-effective, scalable, and robust nanobiosensors. Challenges such as regulatory approval, integration into existing medical infrastructure, and the need for large-scale manufacturing are discussed as barriers to broader adoption. Overall, the study emphasizes the transformative potential of nanobiosensors in both healthcare and environmental sectors, positioning them as pivotal tools in modern diagnostics.

Keywords: Nanobiosensor, nanoparticle, nanowire, optical, health monitoring

[This article belongs to Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications (nts)]

How to cite this article:
S. Anand. Advances in Nanotechnology-based Biosensors: Enhancing Sensitivity and Specificity in Biomedical Diagnostics. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. 2024; 26(02):26-32.
How to cite this URL:
S. Anand. Advances in Nanotechnology-based Biosensors: Enhancing Sensitivity and Specificity in Biomedical Diagnostics. Nano Trends-A Journal of Nano Technology & Its Applications. 2024; 26(02):26-32. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 26
Issue 02
Received September 2, 2024
Accepted September 11, 2024
Published September 24, 2024

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