Novel Catalytic Strategies for Reducing Residual Stresses and Improving Surface Quality in Machined Ceramic Materials

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 01-07

Sunidhi Rajput,

Bangshidhar Goswami,

  1. Research Scholar, CRIET. C.C.S University Campus,, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India
  2. Assistant Professor, Department, Metallurgical Engineering, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India



To prepare for material cutting and utilize utility-specific edges, it’s crucial to understand the inherent brittleness of ceramics. This brittleness limits the forming methods available and hinders achieving dimensional accuracy and precision through conventional machining techniques. The fabrication of composite materials is becoming increasingly significant, particularly in technical fields like the automotive industry, where they are used to manufacture engine connecting rods, propeller shafts, brake discs, and more. The machining techniques for composites have evolved depending on the type of composite material; for instance, Long Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites (LFRC) and Ceramic Particle/Fiber Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites (MMC) are commonly used forms. Composites are typically made from robust, highly hardened reinforcements. When such reinforcements are absent, machining methods are optimized based on the characteristics of high-strength reinforcements, and the tooling state is critically assessed during the machining process. Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) are favored over traditional metals and alloys due to their superior properties, including a higher strength-to-weight ratio, hardness, stiffness, and wear resistance. This has made their machining more challenging, with issues such as surface roughness, residual stresses, and subsurface damage becoming significant factors both before and after machining operations. To efficiently access utility-specific edges and prepare for material cutting, it is essential to understand the inherent brittleness of ceramics, which imposes significant constraints on forming techniques and limits the ability to achieve precise dimensional accuracy through conventional machining. Ceramics, while offering high hardness and wear resistance, are typically characterized by their brittle nature, which makes them challenging to shape accurately and effectively. In response to these challenges, the fabrication of composite materials has gained increasing importance. Composites are particularly valued in technical applications such as the automotive industry.

Keywords: Ceramics, Composite Materials, Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs), Machining Techniques, Brittleness

[This article belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]

How to cite this article:
Sunidhi Rajput, Bangshidhar Goswami. Novel Catalytic Strategies for Reducing Residual Stresses and Improving Surface Quality in Machined Ceramic Materials. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(02):01-07.
How to cite this URL:
Sunidhi Rajput, Bangshidhar Goswami. Novel Catalytic Strategies for Reducing Residual Stresses and Improving Surface Quality in Machined Ceramic Materials. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(02):01-07. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received August 27, 2024
Accepted August 30, 2024
Published September 20, 2024

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