Boron Nitride Unleashed: Revolutionary Insights into Its Superhard Phases and Machining Aptitude

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 17-24

Bangshidhar Goswami,

  1. Assistant professor, RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Jharkhand, India



Exploration from the prehistoric era has proven steel to be a hard substance. According to research, the four main crystalline forms of boron nitride are graphitic, cubic, rhombohedral, and wurtzitic. Better hard materials for industrial processes have been provided by diamond, hard ceramic, and cermet in the process of developing the front of the script, which is descriptive. Turning, cutting, drilling, boring, and grinding of hard materials have been linked to industry usage. In place of the diamond insert that was required for rock drilling for the extraction of natural gas and petroleum, the head crown of the perforation tube has always been the conspirator. Applying compressive pressure under the indenter has been found to increase the indentation strength of wurtzite Boron Nitride (w-BN), which has been proposed as the hardest substance. While the decomposition temperature was 2204°C and subject to self-ignition, solid/liquid BN was not flammable. Because they read as having electrical insulation, reduced thermal conduction, a low coefficient of friction, and oxidation resistance when exposed to temperatures as high as 900°C, white BN lubricant additives have been advantageous for application. The polar B-N bond was accused of interfering with the scope of electron transfer, causing the descriptive issued feature of BN to be devoid of electrical conduction. It has been suggested that boron nitride oil dispersion, which combines fine hexagonal boron nitride particles with mineral base oil, is applicable.

Keywords: Boron Nitride, Hard Materials, Indentation Strength, Lubricant Additives, Electrical Insulation.

[This article belongs to Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis (jocc)]

How to cite this article:
Bangshidhar Goswami. Boron Nitride Unleashed: Revolutionary Insights into Its Superhard Phases and Machining Aptitude. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(02):17-24.
How to cite this URL:
Bangshidhar Goswami. Boron Nitride Unleashed: Revolutionary Insights into Its Superhard Phases and Machining Aptitude. Journal of Catalyst & Catalysis. 2024; 11(02):17-24. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received August 27, 2024
Accepted August 29, 2024
Published September 20, 2024

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