Sustainable Livestock Management Practices: Reducing Environmental Impact, Improving Animal Welfare, and Increasing Productivity

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Tuba Iram,

  1. Student, Department of Food Science & Technology Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Science and Technology, Naini, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh,



Sustainable livestock management is essential for addressing the increasing global demand for animal products while reducing environmental impact, safeguarding animal welfare, and sustaining productivity. This review explores sustainable approaches in livestock farming, emphasizing strategies to reduce environmental degradation, enhance animal welfare, and boost productivity. Environmental impacts, including greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient runoff, and water usage, present significant challenges. Sustainable practices such as efficient nutrient management, low-emission breeding, dietary interventions, and water conservation techniques are essential to mitigate these issues. Land use and biodiversity conservation, including sustainable grazing practices and habitat preservation, further contribute to reducing the ecological footprint of livestock farming. Animal welfare is a vital aspect of sustainable livestock management, as it directly affects productivity and shapes public perception. The review highlights the importance of humane housing, stress reduction in handling and transportation, and preventive veterinary care. Ethical farming practices, such as pain management and humane slaughter, are discussed as essential elements in promoting the well-being of livestock. Increasing productivity without compromising sustainability requires a multifaceted approach. Genetic selection and breeding programs that prioritize disease resistance, feed efficiency, and adaptability are critical. Optimized nutrition, through balanced diets and feed additives, plays a significant role in enhancing growth and health. Comprehensive health management, including early disease detection and biosecurity, is necessary to maintain high productivity levels. The integration of technological innovations, such as precision livestock farming and data-driven decision-making, offers promising avenues for sustainable productivity gains. The review also addresses the challenges faced in implementing sustainable practices, including economic constraints, resistance to change, and the need for global collaboration. By adopting these sustainable approaches, the livestock sector can contribute to a more resilient and ethical agricultural system, ensuring long-term viability and food security.

Keywords: Sustainable, livestock , veterinary care, animal Welfare, veterinary consultation

How to cite this article:
Tuba Iram. Sustainable Livestock Management Practices: Reducing Environmental Impact, Improving Animal Welfare, and Increasing Productivity. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL:
Tuba Iram. Sustainable Livestock Management Practices: Reducing Environmental Impact, Improving Animal Welfare, and Increasing Productivity. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. 2024; ():-. Available from:

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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received September 8, 2024
Accepted September 11, 2024
Published September 20, 2024

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