Comparative Assessment of Conversion Degree, Resin Tag Depth, and Mineral Deposition in Adhesive Resin Enhanced with Inorganic Nanofillers such as Cerium Dioxide and Tantalum Oxide Nanoparticles

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume :12 | Special Issue : 04 | Page : 110-118

Pallavi Suryarao,

Shashikiran N.D,

Sachin Gugawad,

Namrata Gaonkar,

Swapnil Taur,

Savita Hadakar,

  1. Student, Department of Paedodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University, Maharshtra, India
  2. Dean, Department of Paedodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University,, Maharshtra, India
  3. Associate Professor, Department of Paedodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University,, Maharshtra, India
  4. Associate Professor, Department of Paedodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University,, Maharshtra, India
  5. Assistant Professor, Department of Paedodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University,, Maharshtra, India
  6. Assistant Professor, Department of Paedodontics, School of Dental Sciences, Krishna Vishwa Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University,, Maharshtra, India



The World Health Organization (WHO) characterizes dental caries as the deterioration of tooth enamel resulting from acids generated by microbial activity on carbohydrates. Untreated dental caries can lead to pain, eating and sleeping difficulties, and systemic health issues, ultimately diminishing the quality-of-life Composite restorative materials moderately became one of the most used restorative materials for anterior restorations and also is used more extensively for restoring posterior teeth which are having largest stress-bearing areas. The annual failure rate is 2.2-3.6% which is seen in posterior restorations, in the past, the predominant cause of failure in bonded restorations was attributed to material wear. The data was obtained and tabulated in MS-Excel sheets, where the normality was evaluated using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the initial data analysis involved Using descriptive statistics, which encompass central tendency measures like the mean and standard deviation, to provide insights into the dataset’s characteristics. In this study, the experimental adhesives underwent evaluation for mineral deposition through Raman spectroscopy. The evaluation will rely on variations in the absorbance of the phosphate Raman peak. Our hypothesis suggests that the adhesive resins created have the capability to promote the deposition of calcium phosphate, potentially assisting in maintaining the hybrid layer’s integrity.

Keywords: Resin, Nanocomposites, Biocompatibility, Dental restorations, Nanofiller.

[This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]

How to cite this article:
Pallavi Suryarao, Shashikiran N.D, Sachin Gugawad, Namrata Gaonkar, Swapnil Taur, Savita Hadakar. Comparative Assessment of Conversion Degree, Resin Tag Depth, and Mineral Deposition in Adhesive Resin Enhanced with Inorganic Nanofillers such as Cerium Dioxide and Tantalum Oxide Nanoparticles. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 12(04):110-118.
How to cite this URL:
Pallavi Suryarao, Shashikiran N.D, Sachin Gugawad, Namrata Gaonkar, Swapnil Taur, Savita Hadakar. Comparative Assessment of Conversion Degree, Resin Tag Depth, and Mineral Deposition in Adhesive Resin Enhanced with Inorganic Nanofillers such as Cerium Dioxide and Tantalum Oxide Nanoparticles. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 12(04):110-118. Available from:

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Special Issue Open Access Original Research
Volume 12
Special Issue 04
Received April 2, 2024
Accepted July 5, 2024
Published July 18, 2024

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