Sustainable Transportation and Communication

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 20-24

Aarushi Chhibber,

S. Ravichandran,

  1. Student, Department of Biotechnology, School of Bio Engineering and Bio sciences, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, ,
  2. Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Mechanical Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India, ,



The concept of sustainability is widely discussed in research worldwide, leading to various
interpretations based on different research objectives. This study explores how sustainability principles
meet current needs without hindering future generation’s ability to fulfil their own needs, ultimately
enhancing the quality of life for society. To achieve sustainable living, we must integrate three key
areas, known as the triple bottom line: economic equity, environmental protection and social
development. Economic equity focuses on interconnected global systems that require collaborative
efforts to promote long-term, robust growth and ensure that no community is left behind in the process.
Environmental protection emphasizes the sustainable use of natural resources through economically
viable solutions, aiming to reduce resource consumption and pollution while preserving natural
habitats. Social development involves securing essential services such as employment, food, energy,
healthcare, education etc. It also ensures cultural and social diversity, upholds labour rights, and
empowers all community members to shape their future. Sustainable transportation involves
contributing to the sustainable development of a community through the transportation system they use.
Traditionally, transportation infrastructure development focused on minimizing initial operation costs
and prioritizing traffic mobility while considering social and environmental needs. This study focuses
on modes of sustainable transportation, infrastructure for sustainable transportation, sustainable
communication, sustainable communication practice, and innovation in communication technology.

Keywords: Sustainability, triple bottom line, sustainable transportation, transportation and communication, transport system, traffic system

[This article belongs to Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications (ttea)]

How to cite this article:
Aarushi Chhibber, S. Ravichandran. Sustainable Transportation and Communication. Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(02):20-24.
How to cite this URL:
Aarushi Chhibber, S. Ravichandran. Sustainable Transportation and Communication. Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications. 2024; 11(02):20-24. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received June 14, 2024
Accepted June 22, 2024
Published July 25, 2024

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