Analytical and Statistical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure Subjected to Blast Loading

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : 84-91

Gurpreet Singh Dhanoa,

Kulwinder Kaur,

Sisay Arega,

  1. Assistant Professor, ivil Engineering Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, ,
  2. Associate Professor, ivil Engineering Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, ,
  3. Research Schola, ivil Engineering Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, ,



Blast loading represents one of the most hazardous and destructive forces that structures may encounter
throughout their life span. Understanding and mitigating the effects of such loading is crucial for
ensuring the safety and resilience of buildings. This study focuses on analyzing the behavior of
reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures when subjected to blast loading, with the aim of informing
more robust and resilient building designs. The research specifically examines the deformation patterns
of RC structures at varying standoff distances—namely, 3 m, 5 m, and 10 m—with an explosive weight
equivalent to 113 kg of TNT. The study further investigates story displacement and drift across three
types of building configurations: bare frame buildings, steel-braced buildings, and shear wall
buildings. The findings reveal that the effects of explosive events diminish as the standoff distance
increases, indicating the critical importance of distance in blast-resistant design. Moreover, the results
show that story displacement is significantly lower in shear wall buildings compared to steel-braced
buildings and bare frame structures, underscoring the superior performance of shear walls in
mitigating blast-induced deformations. To ensure the reliability of the findings, the analytical results
were validated through statistical analysis, which confirmed that all results follow a normal
distribution. This comprehensive analysis not only provides valuable insights into the structural
response under blast loading but also highlights the importance of considering different building
configurations and standoff distances in the design process to enhance structural resilience against
such extreme loading conditions.

Keywords: Blast loading, shear wall, standoff distance, plastic hinge, SAP 2000

[This article belongs to Journal of Structural Engineering and Management (josem)]

How to cite this article:
Gurpreet Singh Dhanoa, Kulwinder Kaur, Sisay Arega. Analytical and Statistical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure Subjected to Blast Loading. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. 2024; 11(02):84-91.
How to cite this URL:
Gurpreet Singh Dhanoa, Kulwinder Kaur, Sisay Arega. Analytical and Statistical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Frame Structure Subjected to Blast Loading. Journal of Structural Engineering and Management. 2024; 11(02):84-91. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received June 29, 2024
Accepted August 8, 2024
Published August 13, 2024

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