(Δ,Ü ) Convex Structure on Partial B-Metric Space Concerning Quasi Contraction and Fixed-Point Results

Year : 2024 | Volume :01 | Issue : 01 | Page : –


Naval Singh,

Ruchi Singh,

  1. Associate Professor Sagar Institute of Research & Technology Excellence, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India
  2. Professor , Government, SPM Science & Commerce College, Bhopal Madhya Pradesh India
  3. Professor Department of Mathematics, Pandit S.N. Shukla University, Shahdol Madhya Pradesh India


This work introduces the concept of (δ,Ü )– Convex Partial b-Metric Spaces using convex structure. Motivated by this approach, we demonstrated fixed point results and their uniqueness, as well as quasi contraction, and provided some supporting instances for the established results. Our findings expand prior fixed-point results to a novel concept (δ,Ü )– Convex Partial b-Metric Spaces. To support our theoretical findings, we provide several instances that exemplify the established results, including concrete examples to illustrate the practical applicability and relevance of our work. Our findings significantly extend prior fixed-point results to the novel concept of (δ,Ü)-Convex Partial b-Metric Spaces. By extending traditional fixed point theory to (δ,Ü)– Convex Partial b-Metric Spaces, this research not only deepens our theoretical understanding but also broadens the scope of applications across diverse fields. In scientific and engineering disciplines, where complex systems and nonlinear dynamics are prevalent, the conceptual framework introduced here offers new tools for analyzing and solving problems. The ability to model and analyze phenomena with convexity considerations opens avenues for more accurate representations of real-world scenarios, potentially leading to more effective solutions and insights This extension not only enhances the understanding of fixed-point theory but also creates new opportunities for its application in more complex and diverse mathematical settings. Consequently, our research advances the field, offering a robust foundation for future studies and potential applications across various scientific and engineering disciplines

Keywords: (δ,Ü )– Convex Structure, Convex partial b-metric space. Quasi contraction, Fixed point, Common fixed point

[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Mathematics(rtm)]

How to cite this article: UmaShanker, Naval Singh, Ruchi Singh. (Δ,Ü ) Convex Structure on Partial B-Metric Space Concerning Quasi Contraction and Fixed-Point Results. Recent Trends in Mathematics. 2024; 01(01):-.
How to cite this URL: UmaShanker, Naval Singh, Ruchi Singh. (Δ,Ü ) Convex Structure on Partial B-Metric Space Concerning Quasi Contraction and Fixed-Point Results. Recent Trends in Mathematics. 2024; 01(01):-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rtm/article=2024/view=170447


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 01
Issue 01
Received June 25, 2024
Accepted July 4, 2024
Published September 5, 2024

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