Biquid Filter Based Equalization Through Plastic Optical Fiber

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Shravani Zambre,

Trupti Mate,

Kedar Thorat,

  1. Student Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune Maharashtra India
  2. Student Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune Maharashtra India
  3. Student Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune Maharashtra India


Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) is increasingly recognized for its advantages in high-speed data transmission, particularly over short distances. Unlike traditional glass optical fiber, POF uses a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) core with a fluorinated polymer cladding, resulting in a larger core diameter that simplifies alignment and splicing. Recent advancements include the development of graded-index POF (GI-POF), where the core’s refractive index gradually decreases from the center outward, minimizing modal dispersion and enhancing bandwidth. POF can now support data rates exceeding 10 Gbps over distances up to 100 meters, thanks to innovations in fiber structure and signal processing techniques. Improvements in polymer chemistry have significantly reduced attenuation and dispersion, making POF suitable for high-speed data transmission. Recent technical advancements in POF include the development of new polymer materials that reduce attenuation and enhance thermal stability, essential for maintaining performance under various environmental conditions. Advanced modulation techniques, such as discrete multitone (DMT) modulation and orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), are being explored to maximize data-carrying capacity. Future directions for POF technology focus on extending the transmission range beyond 100 meters through improved materials and signal amplification techniques. Hybrid solutions combining POF with wireless technologies are being developed to create seamless high-speed connectivity in diverse environments. Additionally, efforts to scale up production and optimize manufacturing processes are expected to reduce costs, making POF an even more attractive option for a wide range of applications.

Keywords: Secure Data, Enhance Data Transmission, Low Attenuation, Signal Integrity, Optical Fiber

How to cite this article: Shravani Zambre, Trupti Mate, Kedar Thorat. Biquid Filter Based Equalization Through Plastic Optical Fiber. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Shravani Zambre, Trupti Mate, Kedar Thorat. Biquid Filter Based Equalization Through Plastic Optical Fiber. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 1, 2024
Accepted July 16, 2024
Published July 28, 2024

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