Iot Cloud for Hydroponics System and Agriculture

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Khadeejath Ramzila,

Mahammad Ansar,

Mohammed Afheez,

Mohammed Fazil,

Mohammed Salman,

  1. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  2. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  3. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  4. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India
  5. Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering, P A College of Engineering, Mangalore Karnataka India


The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technology into hydroponic systems has revolutionized modern agriculture, enabling more efficient resource utilization and higher crop yields. This project offers an Internet of Things cloud solution intended to handle the difficulties in hydroponic system management and monitoring. By leveraging sensors to collect essential data such as temperature, humidity, pH levels, nutrient concentration, and light intensity, this solution facilitates real-time data transmission to a cloud- based platform. The platform stores, analyses, and visualizes the data, providing farmers with actionable insights through a user-friendly web or mobile interface. Key features include automated alerts for critical parameters, which enable timely interventions to prevent crop damage, and remote management capabilities, empowering farmers to optimize crop growth and resource use. This IoT cloud solution enhances the efficiency and productivity of hydroponic farming, contributing to more sustainable agricultural practices.

Keywords: IoT, hydroponic systems, agriculture, humidity, thingspeak

How to cite this article: Khadeejath Ramzila, Mahammad Ansar, Mohammed Afheez, Mohammed Fazil, Mohammed Salman. Iot Cloud for Hydroponics System and Agriculture. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Khadeejath Ramzila, Mahammad Ansar, Mohammed Afheez, Mohammed Fazil, Mohammed Salman. Iot Cloud for Hydroponics System and Agriculture. Journal of Microelectronics and Solid State Devices. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 3, 2024
Accepted July 12, 2024
Published July 28, 2024

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