Integrating Blockchain with IoT: A Survey of Security Techniques and Future Directions

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Salunke Gauri Dattatraj,

Bhushan M. Borhade,

Salunkhe Sakshi Sandip,

Sankalp Yogesh Ashok,

Deshmukh Suyash Dilip,

  1. Assistant Professor, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  3. Student, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  4. Student, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India
  5. Student, Shri Chhatrapati Shivajiraje College of Engineering, Maharashtra, India


Data is a resource that is more crucial than ever for each company that comes to mind. The ability to swiftly and efficiently collect data anywhere is made possible by current breakthroughs and trends such as cloud computing, IoT, data analytics, and others. One of those concerns is the need to strike a balance between privacy and the use of data for security in applications such as IOT, counterterrorism, and health, food, and water security. Another factor is the growth in privacy worries about data use. Cybercrime has a greater impact on casualties in the modern world. Since the internet is open, it is incredibly easy to target and obtain information or financial data from anyone, public or private organisation, etc. Because the cyber world is so open, it is very easy to target and obtain information or financial data from anyone, public or private organisations, etc. Additionally, because the web is open, it is very easy to obtain information through an unsecured channel. As a result, advanced security measures are needed to prevent cybercrime and ensure that wrongdoing information is not compromised. One of the most important and remarkable methods to protect information from cybercriminals is information assurance. In this study, a novel block chain-based cryptography method for combating cybercrime is discussed.

Keywords: IoT, Blockchain, cybercrime, cryptography, CPS, PDP, Dam surveillance, CSS, AES

How to cite this article: Salunke Gauri Dattatraj, Bhushan M. Borhade, Salunkhe Sakshi Sandip, Sankalp Yogesh Ashok, Deshmukh Suyash Dilip. Integrating Blockchain with IoT: A Survey of Security Techniques and Future Directions. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Salunke Gauri Dattatraj, Bhushan M. Borhade, Salunkhe Sakshi Sandip, Sankalp Yogesh Ashok, Deshmukh Suyash Dilip. Integrating Blockchain with IoT: A Survey of Security Techniques and Future Directions. Recent Trends in Electronics Communication Systems. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Review Article
Received May 27, 2024
Accepted July 17, 2024
Published August 14, 2024

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