Care Companion : Integrated Personal Health Management App

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 02 | Page : –

Abhijeet More,

Harsh bachkar,

Nikhil kulkarni,

Anish Divekar,

Harsh Dhami,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Engineering, Pillai Hoc College of Engineering and Technology (Mumbai University), Rasayani Maharashtra India
  2. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Pillai Hoc College of Engineering and Technology (Mumbai University), Rasayani Maharashtra India
  3. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Pillai Hoc College of Engineering and Technology (Mumbai University), Rasayani Maharashtra India
  4. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Pillai Hoc College of Engineering and Technology (Mumbai University), Rasayani Maharashtra India
  5. Student Department of Computer Engineering, Pillai Hoc College of Engineering and Technology (Mumbai University), Rasayani Maharashtra India


In today’s era of rapid technological advancements and the growing need for accessible and efficient healthcare solutions, our healthcare app is emerging as an innovative platform that aims to transform the management of health and well-being. By recognizing the diverse needs of patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers, our app bridges the gap between traditional healthcare practices and modern digital innovations. The comprehensive solution leverages cutting-edge technology to offer a suite of features that address various aspects of health management. One notable feature is the Emergency Button, providing instant assistance in urgent situations. With a single tap, users can quickly alert emergency services and notify their selected contacts, ensuring swift assistance when it is most needed. The Patient Report Option enhances communication between patients and healthcare providers. Users can easily share health data, test results, and progress reports with their doctors and caregivers, facilitating more informed and personalized care. This feature not only enhances the efficiency of medical consultations but also empowers patients by providing greater control over their health information. Our app includes a Medicine Reminder feature, essential for ensuring that patients adhere to their prescribed medication schedules. This functionality sends timely notifications to remind users to take their medications, thereby lowering the likelihood of missed doses and enhancing treatment outcomes. By offering a technologically advanced and holistic approach to health management, our healthcare app serves as a beacon of hope for individuals seeking a more connected and efficient healthcare experience. our app aims to contribute to a healthier and more interconnected world.

Keywords: Health care, Mobile app, Emergency Service, Patient Report, Medicine Reminder

[This article belongs to Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends(joosdt)]

How to cite this article: Abhijeet More, Harsh bachkar, Nikhil kulkarni, Anish Divekar, Harsh Dhami. Care Companion : Integrated Personal Health Management App. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends. 2024; 11(02):-.
How to cite this URL: Abhijeet More, Harsh bachkar, Nikhil kulkarni, Anish Divekar, Harsh Dhami. Care Companion : Integrated Personal Health Management App. Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends. 2024; 11(02):-. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 02
Received June 27, 2024
Accepted July 12, 2024
Published July 22, 2024