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STM Journals

Published on May 23, 2024

Discover the Journal of AYUSH: Your Gateway to Traditional Medicine Research

In the rapidly evolving field of traditional and alternative medicine, the Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (joayush) stands out as a premier platform for groundbreaking research. Established in 2018, joayush has quickly become a cornerstone for academics and practitioners alike, providing a comprehensive repository of knowledge in Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy.

Why Choose the Journal of AYUSH?

1. Extensive Focus and Scope:

The journal covers a wide array of topics within the realms of traditional medicine. Whether you are exploring the ancient practices of Ayurveda, the therapeutic benefits of Yoga, the holistic approaches of Unani, the intricate treatments of Siddha, or the principles of Homeopathy, joayush provides a rich source of information and research.

2. High Impact Factor:

With a robust impact factor hovering around 6.2, the journal is recognized for its high-quality publications and significant contributions to the field. This makes it an attractive option for researchers aiming to reach a broad and engaged audience.

3. Rigorous Peer-Review Process:

Joayush maintains stringent peer-review standards to ensure the publication of only the most relevant and rigorous research. This commitment to quality guarantees that the journal’s articles are both credible and impactful.

4. Hybrid Open Access:

The hybrid open-access model allows authors to choose between traditional subscription-based publishing or open access, making research more accessible to a global audience. This flexibility enhances the journal’s reach and impact, promoting greater dissemination of knowledge.

5. Wide Indexing:

The journal is indexed in numerous prestigious databases, including Google Scholar, Citefactor, and SCILIT. This extensive indexing ensures that published articles gain maximum visibility and citation, further advancing the field of traditional medicine.

Submission Guidelines

Submitting to the Journal of AYUSH is a straightforward process designed to facilitate high-quality contributions from researchers worldwide. The journal accepts various types of manuscripts, including original research articles, review articles, case studies, and short communications. Detailed submission guidelines and manuscript preparation instructions can be found on the journal’s website, ensuring that authors can efficiently navigate the submission process.

Unique Features

The Journal of AYUSH is not just another academic journal; it is a vibrant community of scholars dedicated to the advancement of traditional medicine. The journal regularly features special issues on contemporary topics, fostering discussion and collaboration among researchers. Additionally, the editorial board comprises esteemed experts from around the world, providing valuable insights and guidance to authors.

Impact on the Field

By bridging the gap between traditional practices and modern scientific research, joayush plays a crucial role in validating and promoting the efficacy of traditional medicine. The journal’s publications contribute to the evidence-based practice of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy, fostering greater acceptance and integration of these systems into mainstream healthcare.


For researchers and practitioners dedicated to the study and practice of traditional medicine, the Journal of AYUSH is an invaluable resource. Its comprehensive coverage, high impact factor, rigorous peer-review process, and global reach make it an ideal platform for disseminating significant research findings. Join the growing community of contributors and readers to stay at the forefront of traditional medicine research.

Industry Information and References:

Journal Details Table:

Journal TitleWebsite URLFeaturesFocus & Scope URLAuthor Guidelines URLManuscript Submission URL
Journal of AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and HomeopathyjoayushPeer-reviewed, High Impact Factor, Hybrid Open AccessFocus and ScopeAuthor GuidelinesManuscript Submission

By providing these features and adhering to rigorous standards, the Journal of AYUSH continues to be a leading publication in the field of traditional medicine research.

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