Antibacterial Multi-Herbal Hand Sanitizer Description and Review

Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 10-16

Vivek L. Ahire,

Vaibhavi D. patil1,

  1. Student Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy Maharashtra India
  2. Student Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy Maharashtra India


Many hand sanitizers on the market contain alcohol formulations that can lead to various issues. In response, we have focused on developing alternative hand washing solutions using detergents to address problems such as dermatitis, itching, dryness, and irritation. Our current efforts involve creating a range of hand sanitizers enriched with ingredients like aloe vera gel, Rita, Azadirachta indica, holy basil, reetha fruit, eucalyptus (Nilgiri), rose, and citrus fruits. Additionally, we have incorporated Mimosa Leaf Extract (Don’t Touch Me) and Argemon, a Mexican Extract known for its ability to alleviate itching, dryness, irritation, and inflammation, including dermatitis. This plant boasts numerous medicinal properties. Skin testing is conducted to assess the effectiveness of the hand sanitizer using non-chemical parameters such as pH, viscosity, foam height, foam retention, disinfection efficacy, as well as color, smell, and taste. While some side effects have been observed, the findings are limited. We have also evaluated the physical properties, pH, and viscosity of the detergent. Our formula demonstrates a reduction in hand bacteria compared to commercial hand sanitizers and can be used as a standalone hand sanitizer without any additives. The evaluation of our hand disinfectant aligns with standard values and our business plan. In conclusion, consumers are increasingly seeking natural cosmetics to mitigate allergic reactions and adverse effects. We advocate for further research to develop hand sanitizers that offer additional skin benefits.

Keywords: Hand Disinfectant, Antibacterial Movement, Fixings Hand Cleanliness, Skin Pathogens, Azadirachta indica.

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy(rrjopc)]

How to cite this article: Vivek L. Ahire, Vaibhavi D. patil1. Antibacterial Multi-Herbal Hand Sanitizer Description and Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2024; 11(01):10-16.
How to cite this URL: Vivek L. Ahire, Vaibhavi D. patil1. Antibacterial Multi-Herbal Hand Sanitizer Description and Review. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2024; 11(01):10-16. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received February 3, 2024
Accepted March 6, 2024
Published March 18, 2024