Dengue in India : Insights in the Indian Context

Year : | Volume : 01 | Issue : | Page : –

    Ved Patki


The mitigation of infectious diseases in India, notably Dengue,
assumes pivotal importance due to their significant repercussions on human and
animal health, thereby imposing a considerable burden on the healthcare
infrastructure. This review underscores the ongoing initiatives in infectious
disease management, endorsing the implementation of a comprehensive
healthcare strategy. Emphasis is placed on the augmentation of reporting
mechanisms through the integration of IgM detection kits, advocating for
heightened investments in research endeavors. The strategic allocation of
resources, coupled with precision-targeted interventions, is underscored as
essential for effective disease control. Collaborative engagements among
governmental entities, healthcare professionals, and community stakeholders
are identified as imperative components in reinforcing the healthcare system.
This approach is deemed necessary for navigating the intricate and evolving
landscape of infectious diseases in India, aligning with the overarching goal of
enhancing public health outcomes.

Keywords: Infectious diseases, India, Dengue, Healthcare system, Aedes mosquitoes

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Subscription Review Article
Received December 8, 2023
Accepted December 18, 2023

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