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NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems Cover

NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems

ISSN: 2581-6810


Focus and Scope

About the Journal

NOLEGEIN Journal of Management Information Systems [2581-6810(e)] is a peer-reviewed hybrid open-access journal launched in 2018 that provides a platform to discuss new issues in the area of Business globalization and information technology. The journal also seeks to advance the quality of research by publishing papers introducing or elaborating on Digital Markets and Informational support.

Focus and Scope

  • Business Process Management: Business processes and management enabled by information technology, The business value of information technology, BPM in eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment, Web-based enterprise application integration, eBPM, ERP, CRM, ASP & SCM, Knowledge management and learning organization, Methodologies, techniques and tools of business process modeling, analysis and design, Techniques of moving from one-shot business process re-engineering to continuous improvement, Best practices in BPM, Performance management, Tools and techniques of change management, BPM case studies.

  • Collaborative and Social Computing: Social media, social commerce, and social networks in the organizational perspective, Informational support of collaborative work, CSCW system architectures and applications, Web-based groupware, Social computing and inter-cultural collaboration, Collaborative communication systems, Embodied communication systems, Shared virtual/augmented environments, Smart device-based groupware, Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), Collaborative entertainment systems, Computer supported cooperative design (CSCD), Social science studies on collaboration

  • Computer-supported cooperative work: Informational support of collaborative work, Knowledge Management, Organizational Learning, and Organizational Memory, information system for competitive positioning, design, implementation, and use of technical systems (including computing, information, and communications technologies) which support people working cooperatively, development of collaborative computing technologies based on studies of actual cooperative work practices.

  • Computing and Business: Business globalization and information technology, the relationship between information technology and organizational performance, Relationship between information technology and organizational performance and structures, Artificial intelligence with machine learning in organizational information systems, Green Computing, Cloud Computing, and Data Mining Applications. Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Software Testing, Computer Security, Cryptography, Theoretical aspects of Computer Databases, Internet Technologies, E-Learning, E-Business, Information Systems, Business Informatics, Project Management, E-Services, Virtual Organisations, Mobile Technologies, Digital Image Processing, Machine Vision, Digital Libraries, Semantic Web, Social Computing, Distributed Systems, Computer Graphics, Multimedia, Information Retrieval, Data Mining, Wireless Technologies, Expert Systems, ICT and Education, Business Management.

  • Decision Analysis: Predictive Modelling, Simulation Modelling, application of simulation in enterprise and organization, Optimization Modelling, Prescriptive Methods, Business Intelligence, techniques in data mining, analysis, and performance management, Analytic hierarchy/network processes (AHP/ANP), Evolutionary multiobjective optimization (EMO), Fuzzy set approaches to DA, Innovative methodological developments in DA, Multiobjective optimization and goal programming, Outranking, Risk and uncertainty in DA, Rule-based methods and artificial intelligence, Value, and utility models.

  • Decision Support System (DSS): DSS Foundations e.g. principles, concepts, and theories of enhanced decision-making; formal languages and research methods enabling improvements in decision-making, DSS Functionality e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for developing the functional aspects of enhanced decision-making; solver, model, and/or data management in DSSs; rule formulation and management in DSSs; DSS development and use in computer supported cooperative work, negotiation, research and product, DSS Interfaces e.g. methods, tools, and techniques for designing and developing DSS interfaces; development, management, and presentation of knowledge in a DSS; coordination of a DSS’s interface with its functionality, DSS Implementation – experiences in DSS development and utilization; DSS management and updating; DSS instruction/training. A critical consideration must be how specific experiences provide more general implications, DSS Evaluation and Impact e.g. evaluation metrics and processes; DSS impact on decision-makers, organizational processes, and performance.

  • Electronic Commerce: E-commerce: Digital Markets, Digital Goods, Electronic business, net-enabled organizations, and platforms, Dissemination of services through the Internet; Intelligent agents technologies and their impact; The global impact of electronic commerce; The economics of electronic commerce; Fraud reduction on the Internet; Mobile electronic commerce; Virtual electronic commerce systems; Application of computer and communication technologies to electronic commerce; Electronic market mechanisms and their impact; Auctioning over the Internet; Business models of Internet based companies; Service creation and provisioning; The job market created by the Internet and electronic commerce; Security, privacy, authorization and authentication of users and transactions on the Internet; Electronic payment systems and electronic funds transfer; The impact of electronic commerce on organizational structures and processes; Supply chain management through the Internet; Marketing on the Internet; User adaptive advertisement; Standards in electronic commerce and their analysis; Metrics, measurement and prediction of user activity; On-line stock markets and financial trading; User devices for accessing the Internet and conducting electronic transactions; Efficient search techniques and engines on the WWW; Web based languages (e.g., HTML, XML, VRML, Java); Multimedia storage and distribution; Virtual reality on the net and 3D visualization; Browsers and user interfaces; Web site management techniques and tools; Managing middleware to support electronic commerce; Web based education, and training; Electronic journals and publishing on the Internet; Legal issues, taxation and property rights; Modeling and design of networks to support Internet applications; Modeling, design and sizing of web site servers; Reliability of intensive on-line applications; Pervasive devices and pervasive computing in electronic commerce; Workflow for electronic commerce applications; Coordination technologies for electronic commerce; Personalization and mass customization technologies; Marketing and customer relationship management in electronic commerce; Service creation and provisioning.

  • Enterprise computing: Enterprise/Executive Information Systems, Ethics in Information Systems, Enterprise-wide systems architectures, and infrastructures, Engineering and Technology, Computer Science, Business and Management, Physical and Applied Science, Electronics and Telecommunications, Humanities, International Literature, Law and Criminal Justice, Media and Communications, Production Engineering and Manufacturing Systems, Regional and Foreign Languages, Finance and International Trade, Political Science and International Affairs, International Geography, Entrepreneurial deployment of information technology, Systems sourcing, development, and stewardship in organizations.

  • Human-Computer Interaction: Human element in organizational computing, Innovative interaction techniques, Multimodal interaction, Speech interaction, Graphic interaction, Natural language interaction, Interaction in mobile and embedded systems, Interface design and evaluation methodologies, Design and evaluation of innovative interactive systems, User interface prototyping and management systems, Ubiquitous computing, Wearable computers, Pervasive computing, Affective computing, Empirical studies of user behaviour, Empirical studies of programming and software engineering, Computer-mediated communication, Virtual reality, Mixed and augmented Reality, Intelligent user interfaces, Presence, Intelligent tutoring, coaching and debugging systems, Interactive decision support systems, Agent-based computing, agent models, coordination and communication, Human language technologies and machine learning in interactive systems, Knowledge acquisition, discovery, modeling and management, Peer-to-peer communication between intelligent systems, Ontologies, knowledge technologies, semantic web systems, Human-Computer Interaction theory – e.g. user models, cognitive systems.

  • Project and People Management: Managing Projects, organizational development, strategy, product development, engineer-to-order manufacturing, infrastructure, and systems delivery, and industries and industry sectors, information technology, engineering and manufacturing, construction, consulting, and professional services, the public sector including international development and cooperation.