Applied Mechanics
Bio Technology
Chemical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Material Science
Mechanical Engineering
3D printing and Column structures as an architectural application
A numerical analysis of helical pipe flow characteristics
A Review of a fluid flow in hydrothermal systems
A Review of the usage of Bipolar Transistors devices
A Review of turbulence flow
A review of turbulent flow
A short review of cell genomics
A Study Of The Fabrication The Uses Of Mems Photoconductive Pressure Sensors
A Study on Dynamics of fluid flow in porous media
A study on Solar Combisystem
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Advanced Composites for Structural Applications
Advanced Manufacturing Techniques for Machine Design: Innovations and Applications
Advancements in Radiation Oncology
Advancements in Surgical Technology
Advancements in the Health Care System and Health Policies
Advances in electro-mechanical systems for renewable energy applications
Advances in Finite Element Method: Theory and Applications
Advances in Molecular Toxicology
Advantages and disadvantages of Transplantation and Immune Rejection
Amniocentesis: Purpose and Risks
An elastic Taylor-Couette flow instability
An Introduction to Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluid
Analysis of magnetic resonance imaging predicts the concentration of nanoparticles delivered to the uterus
Annexins as potential targets in ocular diseases Strabismus
Anti-Inflammatory drug delivery of Neurodegenerative disease
Antinutritional factors in plant-based foods
Application of Electron microscopy for virus detection
Application of Snake Venom in Cancer
Applications of Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery to the peripheral nervous system
Aramid Fibres Fiber Reinforcement Composite material
Architectural drawings, engineering of architecture design
Architectural Restoration and conservation
Artificial Intelligence in Drug Delivery
Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology
Artificial Intelligence in the Treatment and Diagnosis of Cancer
Aspects of Industrial Toxicology
Audiology and Related Disorders
Autoimmunity and related diseases
Automatic friend tagging suggestion
Base station acting as a sole communicator for wireless mobile client devices
Best Practice in Medical Testing Laboratories
Bioinformatics tools and applications
Biological databases and their applications
Biological Interaction Network Analysis
Biomarker’s role in Cancer Detection
Biomarkers identification technology and future aspects
Biomechanics and bio electromechanics for medical applications
Biomechanics and Bio-inspired Structures
Biomedical Composites Biomedical composites
Biomedical waste management during Covid-19
Biopsy in breast cancer
Biosynthetic Pathway of Protein
Birth Disorders
Bone fracture mechanics considering an elastic-plastic hypothesis
Breast cancer immunotherapy and targeted therapy
Breastfeeding: Why is it important?
Building and establishing a Creativity Scale for Architectural Design: A creative approach
Building information modeling of Architecture
Cancer Immunotherapy
Cancer in children
Cancer therapy that targets tumor metabolism
Carbon Proactivity Affected by Emissions Trading Schemes
Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiovascular care
Cardiovascular Surgery
Catalytic uses for metal nanoparticles synthesized from natural polymers
Causes of Premature Deaths
Cell Polarity as a Developmental Regulator of Cell Function and its importance
Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in immune defense
Cellular components in immunizations and immunobiological drugs
Cellular Energy Generation and Metabolism
Cellular Imaging its Techniques and Analysis
Characterization and Biomedical Application Opportunities of the Nanoparticle's Protein of Omicron
Chemo Treatment for cancer
Chemotherapy Adverse Effects
Child Behavior
Child Development and Molecular Genetics
Child health: Development and well being
Children Orthopedics or pediatric orthopedics
Chiropractic Diseases and Treatment Techniques
Citywide Heritage Conservation Practices
Clinical Importance of Immunogenetics
Clinical Studies and Clinical Trials
Coatings produced using plasma electrolysis with inorganic particles
Common allergens and related allergies
Community involvement in funding housing infrastructure in slums
Compare and identify sequences using BLAST
Competitive Strategy Marketing in rural and regional areas
Complement Lysis of Microbes
Complications of Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplant
Composite Wood Composite Materials
Comprehensive Management
Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis
Computer-aided drafting, and design methods
Concerns about animal welfare are raised by ethical dilemmas with animal genetic engineering.
Concurrent Engineering for Design and Manufacturing: Methods, Practices, and Challenges
Contradictory effects of Mitragyna speciosa Korth on cardiovascular disease: The Kratom dilemma
Conventional gas turbines- a review
COVID-19 Vaccination, and Female Fertility
Creep crack incubation and growth using strip yield models
CRISPER-Cas 9 in Eliminating Targeted Bacterial Population
CRISPR-Cas9 for therapeutic nanoparticle delivery
Cultural Heritage at Threat: Views on Modeling, Technologies, and Materials
Current and Future perspectives on Drug-Device combination products for Autoimmune diseases drug delivery and their clinical application
Current and future strategies against the colorectal parasite
Current Sensor Miniaturization Trends and Future Directions
Data Mining Application in Healthcare
Degenerative Diseases
Dental anatomy and tooth development
Design and development of architecture
Development and Designing of Biological Software
Development methods and implementation of genetic algorithms
Development of immunotherapy treatments
Different aspects of occupational therapy
Digital Design and Manufacturing Technologies for Industry 4.0: Advancements and Challenges
Diode Modeling and Rectifier Analysis.
Discovery of hormones in the endocrine system
DNA Transport is Uptake during DNA Transformation
Drug designing by computational technology
Drug Therapy and Clinical Trials
Early Childhood: Development and Care
Early detection of lung cancer through MRI
Economic Geography in planning
Effect of Bacterial Biofilms on Human Health
Effect of microalgal on subsequent processing and nutrient removal for fuels
Effect of radiations of dental radiography:
Effect of smoking on female fertility
Effects of Global Warming and Greenhouse effects on earth
Efficacy of a Three Drug-Based Therapy for Neuroblastoma in frog
Elastomers Polymer Chemistry
Electro-mechanical sensors and actuators for smart structures and systems
Electro-Mechanical Systems for Automation and Robotics
Emerging chemical, biological, and drug design concepts that are significant to pharmacology, ADMET, and drug delivery.
Emerging trends in electroactive polymers for actuation and sensing
Emissions of Greenhouse Gas from Farmland Soils
Endometrium and endometriosis
Energy band calculations of nanopillars.
Enhancing Electro Luminescence properties of Light Emission polymers
Enhancing Oil-Water Separation with the Performax Coalescer
Enterprise and development in regional planning
Enterprises information integration
Environmental effects of using geothermal energy
Essentials of clinical radiography and techniques
Ethical Issues of Genetic Engineering in Crops.
Evidence-based Nursing
Exponential growth
Fabrication of Gas Sensors Using Biopolymer Composites
Family planning and maternal, Child health
Fatigue in metallic alloys
Finite element analysis
Future aspects of vascular biology
Gene Therapy Promises and its Treatment promises
Gene Therapy Promises and its Treatment promises.
Genetic Disparity: Mammalian Genetic Bioengineering
Genetically Modified Food-Enforced Labelling & its Effect on Customer
Geographical Distribution shift of Medicinal Plants due to Environmental issues such as Climate Change
Geriatric Dentistry: The Challenges of the Aging Population
Geriatric Nursing
Global Production Networks in rural and regional planning
Global Trade in rural planning
Glucose Metabolism in Cardiac Disease
Glucose Metabolism in Cardiac Disease.
Green Community Planning
Green Polymer Science
Green synthesis-related antimicrobial activities
Growth Regulations of Gene Editing in the Global Market.
Gynecologic Oncology
Heat and cold therapy in patients with musculoskeletal injury
Heavy metals and the environment
Heritage and Culture in Virtual World
High-Performance Computing for Structural Mechanics
Highway corridor planning: Effects on settlement patterns
Hip replacement Surgery
HIV Transmission and Prevention
Household livelihood capital
Housing Markets
Human Dynamics
Human-Machine Interaction in Manufacturing and Design: Challenges, Innovations, and Applications
Humanoid robots
Image Recognition
Immunoassay in Foreign Toxicology
Immunotechniques: Uses, limitations, and future advancements
Impact of Diet on Physical Health
Impact of drugs and toxins on insect development
Impact of fermented food on gastrointestinal health
Impact of Viral Infections on Hematopoiesis
Importance of Cardiovascular Technologies
Importance of orthodontics in quality of life
Important difficulties with high cycle fatigue
Incremental Housing
Industrial and energy activities that produce metal discharges
Industrial Nurse: What is it?
Infant Mortality
Inflammation and Oxidative Stress
Innovative Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Structural Analysis
Intelligent Network Solution for Expanded IoT Network with 6G Support with Greater Efficiency
International Journal of Microwave Engineering and Technology
Interventional Neurology: Aims benefits and Scope
Introduction to Biogas: Methane Gas Production
Introduction to Channel Capacity in Broadbands
Introduction to Emerging Wireless Broadband Technologies
Introduction to Geothermal Energy
Introduction to Microwave Amplifiers, Transmitters, and Planar Circuits
Introduction to Multicode CDMA and Wideband CDMA
Introduction to Nuclear Power and Nuclear Power Plants
Introduction to Nuclear Safety and Security
Introduction to obstetrics and Gynecology: Significance
Introduction to Radioactivity /Radioactive Decay
Introduction to Sustainable Energy Systems Planning and Energy Policy
Introduction to Tidal energy
Isothermal titration calorimetry
Land use transition
Liposomal Formulation for Oral Delivery of Sarecycline: Usefulness as a Semisolid-Dispersion System
Liposome-based methods are used to create polymersomes
Liquid crystal displays with polymer enhancement.
Lysosome-based drug-delivery
Machine learning
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Design Optimization: Theory and Applications
Material Modeling and Characterization
Maternal immunization
Mechanics and electromechanics of soft materials
Mechanics of Molecules and Thermodynamics analysis of plasmid DNA
Mechanism and Health effects of toxic chemicals and heavy metals
Mechanisms simulation
Meta-Analysis of Drug Delivery Approaches for Treating skin infections
Metal and alloy coatings to prevent corrosion
Methodologies and Techniques for Built Heritage Tourism
Methods of Cell Therapy
Micro RNA-loaded biomaterials for osteoporosis
Microplastic effect on the environment
Midwives' role in supporting breastfeeding
MIMO prototyping and Antenna Design
Mobile clinic's role in rural healthcare development
Model-Based Assessment of the Contribution of T-Lymphocytes and T-cell to the Pharmacokinetics of Monoclonal Antibodies
Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Modeling and simulation of electro-mechanical systems and devices
Modernist architecture's growth and collapse
Molecular and biochemical aspects of proteins and amino acids
Molecular dynamic simulations are used for drug design
Motion control
MRI and PET in Hematology and Oncology
Multi-Objective Optimization of Design and Manufacturing Processes: Methods, Applications, and Challenges
Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Modeling in Structural Mechanics
Multifunctional materials for electromechanical applications
Multiple-input and multiple-output Relay Channels and their channel estimation
Musculoskeletal System: Anatomy and Functions
Nano synthesis: Thermodynamics against Kinetics
Nanocrystals Polymer structures
Nanoelectromechanical and nanomechanics for advanced devices
Nanotechnology in Polymers
Neonatology: Overview
Nervous system: Functions and Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: concept, types, and treatment
Neurological Disorders: A Brief Introduction
Neurological techniques: Roles, limitations and future Advancement
Neuromuscular Rehabilitation: overview and Disorders
Neuropsychiatry: Symptoms and Treatment
Neurosurgery: Past, Present, and Future
New Insight into the Mechanism of Lipid Metabolism
New Insight into the Mechanism of Lipid Metabolism.
New Materials and Structures for Sustainable Infrastructure
New methods for relevant applications in drug design
Newborn Nursery
Non-coding RNAs in Cancer: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Markers
Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation Techniques
Noval Vaccine Formulations for Chagas Disease
Novel inhalation formulations of optimyxin
Novel Phytochemical Constituents Identified from the bark of Myrica esculenta
Nutrition and diet in medical science
Ocular oncology
Optimization Techniques for Machine Design and Manufacturing: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions
Oral anatomy and physiology of animals in veterinary dentistry practice.
Oral and maxillofacial trauma
Oral health policies
Orthopedic Nursing
Orthopedic Surgery
Parkinson's detection/ Treatment model
Pathophysiology of Renal erythropoietin- cells
PCR in COVID-19 testing and Cycle threshold values
Pediatric Medicine And Surgery
pH-sensitive Micelles with Dual Drugs Loaded for Effective Treatment of Yeast Infection
Pharmacogenomics Used in the Intensive Care Unit
Pharmacognosy of Dracaena trifasciata
Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamic Effect of a Blood-Brain Barrier-Crossing Fusion Protein Therapeutic for Alzheimer’s Disease in Rat and Dog
Pharmacological targets that are suitable for treating Genomic disorders
Phase Separation of Proteins: A New Stage in Cell Biology
Photovoltaic and photodetector systems using natural polymers
Physiological factors in Heart disease
Polymer for Energy Generation
Polymers & Nanotechnology
Polymers in Construction
Predicting Viable melanin Concentration: Modeling the cervical Plexus
Prediction of wastewater quality indicators
Premature Protein Synthesis Termination and its Interruption in Genetic Diseases
Preterm Births: Symptoms and causes
Psychiatric Nursing: Importance and Scope
Psychoneuroimmunology: PNI
Psychopharmacology: History and overview
Public service environment
Radiation Oncology
Rapid Economic Growth in rural areas
Rapid prototyping and manufacturing
Recent advances in forensic odontology
Recent Developments in Aortic Valve Disease Diagnosis and Treatment
Recent Developments in Conjugated Microporous Polymers
Recent Developments in the Design and Use of Fractional-Order Circuits and Systems
Relation Between Glucose and Protein Metabolism
Relation Between Glucose and Protein Metabolism.
Rethinking Transparency in Modern Architecture: The Opaqueness of Glass
Risk of Cervical cancer in rural areas
Robotics and Automation in Machine Design and Manufacturing: Challenges and Opportunities
Role of Ajinomoto in causing health issues
Role of Ajinomoto in causing health issues.
Role of immune cells in AllergoOncology
Role of Immunity in COVID-19
Role of Immunotherapy in developing Cardiac Toxicity
Role of innate and adaptive immunity in vaccines
Role of pharmaceutical sciences in the treatment of lymphoma
Role of Regional Economics in planning
Role of Transmembrane Mucins in Lung Diseases
Role pharmaceutical industry in healthcare
Rural Electrification for rural areas
Rural Farmers in rural areas
Science of man-made products in drug discovery
Semiconductor Polymer Dots for Cell imaging and Biosensors with Near-Infrared Radiation
Significance of Micro, small, and medium-sized businesses' effects on regional development
Simulated annealing algorithm
Sleep Disorders
Small proteins' function in cellular energy management
Social Infrastructure in rural and regional planning
Sources, Formulation, and Physiological Roles of Amino Acid
Spectroscopy analysis
Speech Recognition
SPH tensile instability in the formation of viscous liquid drops
Sports Injuries: Treatment and prevention
Spray Dried Rugose Lipid Particle Platform for epidermal Drug Delivery
Stress Neurobiology
Stroke and Age-Related Neurodegenerative Disorders
Structural Analysis and Design for Extreme Conditions
Structural Health Monitoring and Damage Detection
Structural insight into Cell Signaling
Structural mechanics
Structural Optimization and Design
Study of earth contamination and recycling process
Surgical oncology
Surgical procedures for Hand congenital Anomalies- Syndactyly
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Design and Manufacturing Practices: Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities
Sustainable Food Waste Recycling for the Bioeconomy in Developing Countries
Sustainable infrastructure planning and city development strategies
Technical cooperation activities
Techniques used in Surgical Oncology
Telechelic Polymers Supramolecular polymers
The creation and use of a test system for low-voltage power lines
The Discovery and Development of the Swiss cheese plant
The effect of tourism on local area development under Town Planning
The Off-Grid Electrical System's Narrowband Power-Line Communication Error Analysis
The potential of Flavonoids in Parsley
The Potential Roles of Toll-Like Receptors in Human Disease
The practical importance of health economics
The Proteostasis Network's Various Roles for Small Heat Shock Proteins
Thermal transfer fluid
Thermoplastic Composites
Thrombosis in COVID‐19 patients
Title: Additive Manufacturing for Design and Prototyping: Advances and Applications
Topology Optimization in Structural Mechanics
Toxicogenomics: Aims and Prospects
Toxicological effect of food additives
Transcription of Genes their regulation and evaluation
Transgenics are essential for biofuel crops
Transport Across Cell Membrane its Mechanism and Transport Protein
Tribological behavior of electro-mechanical systems and components
Understanding the immunological basis of common human diseases
Urbanization's effects on small towns: Study and Review
Usage of Call Establishment Procedures in the Communications Industry
Usage of direct sequence CDMA in the analysis of mobile radio systems
Use of Bio Decontamination Systems in healthcare applications
Use of Bioinformatic tools in Cancer prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment
Use of Genetic Mapping in the analysis of Cancer
Use of the dental operative microscope in restorative dentistry:
Use of wastewater in agriculture and its effects
Using filter theory, design electromagnetic band gap structures
Using Light Emitting Diode in diagnosing capacitors
Using microwave sensor transmission for detecting adulteration in lubricants
Using multi-hop networks for making devices that consume less energy
Using Multi-User MIMO System for 5G Network
Using Nuclear energy in Industries
Using of Nuclear Energy in Healthcare and Medical Industry
Using Renewable Energy to Reduce CO2 Emissions
Vapor-liquid Equilibrium
Vitamin E as an antioxidant
VOCs are treated using suspended-growth reactors and biofilters
Volatile organic compound emissions from road marking paints
Water consumption from hydroelectricity
Wind Energy: Source of power generator
Women and Cardiovascular Disease
Working of Transistor as Amplifier
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