kishan Kumar Pandey,
Harsh Rathore,
- Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeev Agarwal Global Educational University, Bhopa, Madhya Pradesh, India
- Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sanjeev Agarwal Global Educational University, Bhopa, Madhya Pradesh, India
The utilization of coal bottom ash, an industrial waste byproduct, as a sustainable
alternative to river sand in concrete production has gained increasing attention due to
environmental concerns and the need for resource optimization. This study examines how
incorporating coal bottom ash into concrete mixtures, either partially or entirely replacing
river sands, affects different properties. These properties include the workability of fresh
concrete, as well as its compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, modulus of
elasticity, pulse velocity, permeable pore space, water absorption, microstructure, and
analysis via X-ray diffractogram. The findings indicate that coal bottom ash significantly
affects the workability of concrete, reducing slump and compaction factor values with
increased replacement levels. However, the compressive strength development of bottom
ash concrete follows a pattern similar to that of control concrete, with pozzolanic activity
contributing to long-term strength enhancement. Moreover, the splitting tensile strength
of concrete containing bottom ash is equivalent to or greater than that of the control
concrete in later stages of development. This research sheds light on the feasibility of
utilizing coal bottom ash in concrete production, highlighting its potential benefits and
addressing early age compressive strength challenges.
Keywords: Coal bottom ash, concrete, sustainable materials, strength properties, waste utilization, industrial waste, resource optimization.
[This article belongs to Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology (rtcet)]
kishan Kumar Pandey, Harsh Rathore. Empowering Concrete: Enhancing Strength and Durability with Coal Bottom Ash. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(01):-.
kishan Kumar Pandey, Harsh Rathore. Empowering Concrete: Enhancing Strength and Durability with Coal Bottom Ash. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2024; 14(01):-. Available from:
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Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 07/02/2024 |
Accepted | 04/03/2024 |
Published | 18/03/2024 |