Comparative Analysis of Conventional Formwork with Specialized Emerging Formwork Regarding Project Engineering Factors for High-rise Building

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Deep Jayesh Mistry,

Amit D. Raval,

Jayesh R. Pitroda,

  1. M.Tech. Student Department of Civil Engineering, BVM Engineering College Gujarat India
  2. Lecturer Department of Civil Engineering, Bhailalbhai & Bhikhabhai Institute of Technology Gujarat India


Today, because of globalization, there have been a number of improvements in the construction of modern technology worldwide, as a result of the quick and reliable distribution of new and emerging technologies through societies worldwide and the cross-border information sharing. Shaping which helps to mount the concrete in the desired shape It is a critical component of the construction to support the loads placed on it, as well as supporting moist cement until it sets. Formwork is a significant building function that accounts for 20–25 percent of overall construction costs. As a result of using the more recent formwork techniques, it is possible to cast larger components quicker than normal, reducing the need for time and labour when opposed to traditional methods. This paper conducts a comparative analysis between current formwork technologies and recently evolving formwork systems such as aluminum formwork and jump formwork systems, which are not widely used in India, and thus suggests which approach is best for the project under consideration. To gain a better understanding of this topic, various construction projects using newly emerging formwork techniques are analyzed, and the data obtained from these projects is used to compare newly emerging formwork with traditional formwork systems.

Keywords: Aluminum formwork, jump formwork, traditional formwork, construction cost, comparative study

How to cite this article: Deep Jayesh Mistry, Amit D. Raval, Jayesh R. Pitroda. Comparative Analysis of Conventional Formwork with Specialized Emerging Formwork Regarding Project Engineering Factors for High-rise Building. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Deep Jayesh Mistry, Amit D. Raval, Jayesh R. Pitroda. Comparative Analysis of Conventional Formwork with Specialized Emerging Formwork Regarding Project Engineering Factors for High-rise Building. Recent Trends in Civil Engineering & Technology. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received March 26, 2021
Accepted April 10, 2021
Published January 7, 2023