Performance Characteristics of Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica) Reared Under Deep Litter System in Ghana

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Year : May 15, 2024 at 2:41 pm | [if 1553 equals=””] Volume : [else] Volume :[/if 1553] | [if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] : | Page : –









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Shuaib M. A. Husein, Anthony A. Agbolosu, Najat Ishaq


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  1. Faculty, Researcher, Faculty Department of Animal Science, , Food and Consumer Sciences, University for Development Studies, Department of Companion Animal Husbandry and Health, School of Veterinary Sciences, University for Development Studies, Department of Animal Science, , Food and Consumer Sciences, University for Development Studies Tamale, Tamale, Tamale Ghana, Ghana, Ghana
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nThis study was conducted to assess the performance characteristics of the domestic pigeon reared under deep litter system in Ghana. For performance traits measurement, fifty (50) local pigeons were raised intensively over a period of five (5) months. In all, 25 males and 25 females were used. The birds were housed for five months in a deep litter house using the intensive system. Broiler diet was used to feed pigeons in this study. Data on the following performance traits were collected: egg characteristics (egg weight, egg length, egg width and shape index), fertility of eggs, hatchability, incubation period, squab weekly body weight and mortality (adult pigeons and squab) over the five months period. Performance characteristics were calculated using descriptive statistics of SPSS. Pearson’s Correlation in SPSS was used to estimate correlation coefficients among the various external egg measurement. Results showed that pigeons laid two (2) eggs in every session of their incubation. The mean egg weight, length and width were 26.35g, 3.68cm and 2.87cm respectively, with shape index of 78.095. Fertility rate and hatchability were 70.4% and 35.2% respectively. Mean squab weight at hatch was 22.655g which increase steadily to 271.66g by the fourth week. Squab mean body weight for day1 was 22.655g, and weekly averages from week1 to week4 were, 157.321g, 224.107g, 267.381g and 271.667g respectively. Young male and female domestic pigeons were characterized by faster growth rate which slows down with age from day one up to the forth week of age. Overall weight gains for male pigeons were 255.16g and female were 242.86g. The highest correlation for egg characteristics was between egg weight and egg length (0.847). Egg width correlates strongly positively with egg length (0.702). There was significantly correlation between egg weight and egg length, and that of egg weight and egg width. It was concluded that pigeons are highly prolific, fast growth, short hatching period (16-17days) and lay very few eggs per clutch.




Keywords: Squab weight, hatchability, pigeon fertility, mortality, egg characteristics

n[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”][This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology(rrjovst)]


[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”][This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology(rrjovst)][/if 424][if 424 equals=”Conference”]This article belongs to Conference [/if 424]


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How to cite this article: Shuaib M. A. Husein, Anthony A. Agbolosu, Najat Ishaq. Performance Characteristics of Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica) Reared Under Deep Litter System in Ghana. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. May 15, 2024; ():-.


How to cite this URL: Shuaib M. A. Husein, Anthony A. Agbolosu, Najat Ishaq. Performance Characteristics of Pigeons (Columba Livia Domestica) Reared Under Deep Litter System in Ghana. Research & Reviews : Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology. May 15, 2024; ():-. Available from: 15, 2024/view=0


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[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424]
Received March 13, 2024
Accepted May 4, 2024
Published May 15, 2024






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