Vyanga, Present-Day Challenge: Insights from Toxicological Standpoint

Year : 2024 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 11-16

    Gyanendra Kumar Gupta,

  • Gagan Devi,


The condition of Vyanga can have
significant repercussions, as facial
disfigurement not only impacts an
individual’s psychological and social well-
being but also hampers their overall
contribution to society. This can result in reduced productivity, impaired social
functioning, and diminished self-esteem.
In classical Ayurvedic texts, Vyanga is
categorized under Kshudrarogas,
representing minor disorders with
straightforward causes and symptoms.
However, in certain instances, these
conditions can lead to noticeable cosmetic
impairments, causing considerable
psychological distress. Vyanga presents as
a distressing affliction that undermines an
individual’s potential, necessitating
definitive treatment as a recognized
disease. Addressing Vyanga is crucial to
alleviate the associated psychological
burden and enable affected individuals to
lead fulfilling lives with restored
confidence and social integration.
Consequently, effective interventions
aimed at managing Vyanga not only
enhance the individual’s quality of life but
also contribute to the well-being of society
as a whole. Therefore, prioritizing the
recognition and treatment of Vyanga as a
medically significant condition is
imperative to address its multifaceted
impacts comprehensively.

Keywords: :Vyanga, Kshudrarogas, Cosmetic, Facial lesions and Psychological.

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How to cite this article:
Gyanendra Kumar Gupta, Gagan Devi. Vyanga, Present-Day Challenge: Insights from Toxicological Standpoint. . 2024; 14(01):11-16.
How to cite this URL:
Gyanendra Kumar Gupta, Gagan Devi. Vyanga, Present-Day Challenge: Insights from Toxicological Standpoint. . 2024; 14(01):11-16. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com//article=2024/view=134317


The condition of Vyanga can have
significant repercussions, as facial
disfigurement not only impacts an
individual’s psychological and social well-
being but also hampers their overall
contribution to society.

Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received 17/02/2024
Accepted 19/02/2024
Published 07/03/2024