3D Printed Martian Habitats and Challenges to Overcome

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Yoon-Si Lee

Courtney Keys

Saratu Terreno

  1. Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Bradley University, Peoria Illinois USA
  2. Research Assistant Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Bradley University, Peoria Illinois USA
  3. Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Bradley University, Peoria Illinois USA


In exploring the potential design and construction of Martian habitats, one of the key factors that need to be taken into account is the environmental condition on the surface of Mars, which is drastically different from that of Earth and poses unique challenges. Innovative designs and construction technologies must be utilized to overcome these obstacles. In addition, the building materials should be those that can be locally obtained and must possess the properties and characteristics that would ensure the safety and longevity of the structures. This paper presents an overall portrayal of various Martian habitat designs, 3D printing technologies, and construction materials that have been proposed in recent years including the award winning Martian habitat proposals presented at the NASA’s 3D-Printed Habitat Centennial Challenge. Also presented are discussions on some of the important considerations that must be thought of in order to successfully establish the human presence on Mars.

Keywords: Mars; habitat, Martian Concrete, 3D printing, Environmental challenges.

How to cite this article: Yoon-Si Lee, Courtney Keys, Saratu Terreno. 3D Printed Martian Habitats and Challenges to Overcome. Research & Reviews : Journal of Space Science & Technology. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Yoon-Si Lee, Courtney Keys, Saratu Terreno. 3D Printed Martian Habitats and Challenges to Overcome. Research & Reviews : Journal of Space Science & Technology. 2023; ():-. Available from: https://journals.stmjournals.com/rrjosst/article=2023/view=91924

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Open Access Article
Received May 16, 2022
Accepted June 2, 2022
Published January 2, 2023