Recent Development Technique in Management of Cancer

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 25-41

Shruti Morankar,


Gangadhar Magar,

  1. Student, MET’s Institute of Pharmacy Adgaon, Maharashtra, India
  2. Student, MET’s Institute of Pharmacy Adgaon, Maharashtra, India


Cancer develops when a change in one’s genetic makeup leads to the development of tumour cells. These clusters of malignant cells eventually develop into tumours. Tumours can shed cancerous cells, which can then travel through the lymphatic system or the circulatory system to other organs. In the medical field, this occurrence is referred to as metastasis. Cancer cells proliferate even when they have no instructions to do so. Despite the notable advancements in medical technology, such as stem cell therapy, targeted therapy, ablation therapy, nanoparticles, natural antioxidants, radionics, chemodynamic therapy, sonodynamic therapy, and ferroptosis-based therapy, traditional treatment methods such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation remain prevalent. These traditional procedures continue to be utilised due to their established efficacy, widespread availability, and proven track record in treating various medical conditions across diverse patient populations. Today, oncology practices are centered on developing safe and efficient nanomedicines for the treatment of cancer. Nanoparticles have provided new diagnostic and therapeutic options, and stem cell treatment has shown extraordinary efficacy in regenerating and repairing sick or damaged tissues, including those at the main and metastatic cancer foci.

Keywords: malignancy, ablation therapy, ferroptosis-based therapy, radionics, apoptosis, sonodynamic-based therapy

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Shruti Morankar, Gangadhar Magar. Recent Development Technique in Management of Cancer. . 2024; 13(01):25-41.
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Shruti Morankar, Gangadhar Magar. Recent Development Technique in Management of Cancer. . 2024; 13(01):25-41. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received 03/03/2024
Accepted 07/03/2024
Published 20/04/2024