Medicinal Potential of Cullen corylifolium in Ageing and Ageing Related Diseases

Year : 2024 | Volume : 13 | Issue : 02 | Page : 21-32

    Ayushi Tyagi,

  • Aaysha Gupta,

  • Sonam Chawla,

  1. Student, Department of Biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Sector-62, Uttar Pradesh, India
  2. Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Sector-62, ,
  3. , Department of Biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, Sector-62, ,


Cullen corylifolium is a tropical medicinal plant of the Fabaceae family, generally known as Babchi/Bakuchi in various regions of Asia. Cullen corylifolium is a traditional phyto-therapeutic plant of China used to manifest various pathological conditions since ages, possesing round and dark brown seeds with a rough texture. Cullen corylifolium has been previously reported to possess various properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and can be used as a solution to treat various ageing diorders. Despite the fact that this medicinal plant carries various therapeutic actions, the therapeutic potential of Cullen corylifolium seed is yet to be studied. Whereas, the seeds of Cullen corylifolium have previously been reported to contain various phytoconstituents including; coumarins, bavachin, bavachinin and flavonoids which may be utilised to study various geriatric ailments such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, neuroprotection and obesity. This review seeks to assess the therapeutic effects of phytoconstituents present in the seed of Cullen corylifolium on the geriatric diseases. This review contains the mechanism of 5 phytocompounds (bavachinin, bavachin, bavachalcone, isobavachalcone, and neobavaisoflavone) present in Bakuchi seeds that have previously been reported for their anti-ageing potential and these phytocompounds were further detailed searched using scientific literature from Pubmed, Pubchem and Google Scholar. The scientific literature studied revealed that the seeds of Cullen corylifolium also possess anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative potential that can be used further to intervene geriatric illness. As a result, this review will be beneficial in providing information for future research and in discovering the potential drug for treatment of ageing associated diseases.

Keywords: Cullen corylifolium, Neurodegenerative illness, Anti -Inflammatory Action,

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science (rrjohs)]

How to cite this article:
Ayushi Tyagi, Aaysha Gupta, Sonam Chawla. Medicinal Potential of Cullen corylifolium in Ageing and Ageing Related Diseases. Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science. 2024; 13(02):21-32.
How to cite this URL:
Ayushi Tyagi, Aaysha Gupta, Sonam Chawla. Medicinal Potential of Cullen corylifolium in Ageing and Ageing Related Diseases. Research & Reviews : Journal of Herbal Science. 2024; 13(02):21-32. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 02
Received 29/04/2024
Accepted 10/05/2024
Published 24/05/2024