Irtika Shah,
Noorul Amin,
- Student, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi, India
- Senior Nursing Officer, (Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences), Jammu & Kashmir, India
Background: Career counseling assists individuals in choosing appropriate educational and occupational choices and making career options based on future employment demands and requirements. Career counseling comprises a wide variety of professional activities that assist people in overcoming career-related obstacles. Aim: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the understanding of career counseling among students in chosen rural and urban high schools in Kashmir. Method: This study employed a quantitative methodology using a descriptive research design. The sample of 100, 50 from government higher secondary school Chadoora Budgam and 50 from Candid higher secondary school Srinagar were selected. The variable under investigation was knowledge. The research took place in both a government and a private school, encompassing both rural and urban regions of Kashmir. Results: The study revealed that 42(84%) of the study subjects from rural area were having adequate knowledge towards career counselling. The study also found that 37(74%) of the study subjects from urban area were having adequate knowledge towards career counselling. The (Mean ± SD) for study subjects from rural areas was (8.92±1.89) while the (Mean ± SD) for urban areas was (8.94±1.88). The p-values were not significant for knowledge and selected demographic variables in rural school viz age (p=0.50), gender (p=0.24), grade level (p=0.88), subjects studying (p=0.18), aim in life (p=0.77), reason for choosing a specific aim (p=0.13), and family per capita income (p=0.62). In urban areas significant association was observed with Gender (p=0.0001), subjects studying (p=0.001), Aim in Life (0.02), reason for choosing a specific aim (p=0.004). Conclusion: The study came to the conclusion that upper secondary students had sufficient knowledge about career guidance and were aware of its value and necessity from an early age. To assist students in selecting occupations that align with their interests and aptitude, career advisers should be available at the upper school level. Even so, NEP 2020, which emphasizes the need of early exposure for students to a variety of professional opportunities, has acknowledged the same. As a result, the policy makers predict, there would be a need for career counsellors to collaborate with schools to present pupils with various career alternatives and assist them in discovering their interests and abilities at a young age.
Keywords: Career counseling, students, rural and urban high schools, Kashmir, knowledge, NEP 2020, occupational choices, educational choices, employment
[This article belongs to Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions (rrjohp)]
Irtika Shah, Noorul Amin. Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge of Higher Secondary School Students Regarding Career Counselling in Selected Rural and Urban Schools of Kashmir. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions. 2024; 14(01):11-18.
Irtika Shah, Noorul Amin. Comparative Study to Assess the Knowledge of Higher Secondary School Students Regarding Career Counselling in Selected Rural and Urban Schools of Kashmir. Research & Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions. 2024; 14(01):11-18. Available from:
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Research and Reviews: A Journal of Health Professions
Volume | 14 |
Issue | 01 |
Received | 10/01/2024 |
Accepted | 18/01/2024 |
Published | 22/04/2024 |