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Open Access
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Yehuala Alemneh, Aynalem kutafo1, Temesgen Gebr
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- Researcher, Researcher, Researcher, Southern agricultural research institution, Areka agricultura research center, Southern agricultural research institution, Areka agricultura research center, Southern agricultural research institution, Areka agricultura research center, Areka, Areka, Areka, Ethiopia, Ethiopia, Ethiopia
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nCombined application of fertilizers (organic and inorganic) could able to optimize production and productivity of onion. This experiment was conducted in Humbo district southern Ethiopia during 2019- 2021 under irrigation to evaluate the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer on bulb yield and general production of onion. Experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replication and consisted of seven treatments: T1: control, T2: NPSB(82.2N, 31.4P, 13.4S, 0.2B); T3: compost alone (9 t/ha); T4: 2.25 t/ha compost + (50N, 23.5P, 10S, 0.15B); T5: 4.5 t/ha compost + (46N, 19.6P, 8.4S, 0.125B); T6: 6.75 t/ha compost + (41.1N, 15.7P, 6.7S, 0.1B) and T7: 9 t/ha compost + 23N.
Soil of experimental area before planting was clay in texture slightly acidic in pH, medium amount of OC and TN, moderate of CEC, and very low contain of P. application of different level of organic and inorganic fertilizer combination significantly affect yield and yield components of onion in the study area. Maximum total bulb yield of 28.461 t/ha was obtained from the treatment combinations of 6.75 t/ha compost + NPSB (41.1N, 15.7P, 6.7S, 0.1B) which was statistically non- significant with 4.5 t/ha compost + NPSB (46N, 19.6P, 8.4S, 0.125B), 2.25 t/ha compost + NPSB (50N, 23.5P, 10S, 0.15B) and NPSB (82.2N, 31.4P, 13.4S, 0.2B) and the minimum total bulb yield of 10.731 t/ha was obtained at the control treatment. The maximum bulb yield (27.604 t ha-1), an acceptable marginal rate of return (3213%), maximum net benefit, and relatively low variable cost were obtained from the application of 2.25 t/ha compost + NPSB (50N, 23.5P, 10S, 0.15B) treatment. Therefore, to minimize production costs and due to environmentally friendly, the application of 2.25 t/ha compost + NPSB (50N, 23.5P, 10S, 0.15B) is recommended. However, the farmers can also use NPSB (82.2N, 31.4P, 13.4S, 0.2B) kg ha-1 (200 kg NPSB + 100 kg urea ha-1) as an alternative option.
Keywords: Compost, Inorganic Fertilizer, Onion, Yield
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Volume | ||
[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] | ||
Received | March 15, 2024 | |
Accepted | April 11, 2024 | |
Published | May 9, 2024 |
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