Algal Biomass Production and its Utilization

Year : 2024 | Volume :13 | Issue : 01 | Page : 15-21

Pragya Yadav,


A.K Sarma,

  1. Research Scholar, Department of Biotechnology, I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India
  2. Scientist E, Department of Biotechnology, Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio-Energy Kapurthala, Punjab, India


Algal biomass production is gaining traction as a promising source of bioenergy due to its rapid growth rate and ability to utilize carbon dioxide emissions. Algae, being photosynthetic organisms, require sunlight, CO2, and optimal growth conditions for biomass increase. Temperature, light intensity, pH, aeration, mixing, and salinity play crucial roles in achieving optimum growth. Algae cultivation can occur in various water resources without competing with conventional agriculture. Microalgae, with their ability to double biomass in less than a day, offer advantages over terrestrial crops, including year-round harvesting and quick system repairs in case of failures.
Two primary cultivation systems, open raceway ponds and photobioreactors (PBRs), offer distinct advantages. Open raceway ponds are cost-effective but susceptible to environmental fluctuations and uneven light distribution. In contrast, PBRs provide a controlled environment, optimizing growth conditions such as CO2 supply, temperature, light exposure, and mixing. While closed photobioreactor systems require greater upfront investment, they offer the potential for increased productivity and improved resource efficiency. The abstract underscores the potential of algae as a renewable energy source and highlights the importance of optimizing growth conditions and cultivation systems for maximizing biomass production. As the world seeks sustainable alternatives to conventional energy sources, algae present a compelling solution, offering rapid growth rates, carbon sequestration benefits, and versatility in cultivation methods. Continued research and development in algae cultivation techniques hold promise for scalable, eco-friendly bioenergy production Algae are chlorophyll bearing photosynthetic organisms capable of fixing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Currently, interest in the field of Algae as a source of Bioenergy has heightened as it is a rich source of various compounds and chemicals that act as a source of energy.

Keywords: Algal biomass, Flocculation, Microalgae biomass, Filtration, Centrifugation

[This article belongs to Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany (rrjob)]

How to cite this article:
Pragya Yadav, A.K Sarma. Algal Biomass Production and its Utilization. Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany. 2024; 13(01):15-21.
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Pragya Yadav, A.K Sarma. Algal Biomass Production and its Utilization. Research & Reviews : Journal of Botany. 2024; 13(01):15-21. Available from:

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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 13
Issue 01
Received 19/03/2024
Accepted 18/04/2024
Published 06/05/2024