Revealing the Hemodynamic Orchestra: Contrasting Analysis of Blood Flow Patterns in a Bifurcated Carotid Artery

Year: 2024 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 13 | Pages:229 - 247



  1. Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
  2. UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
  3. UG Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India
  4. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Karnataka, India


Understanding blood flow patterns in the carotid artery (CA) is crucial for detecting cardiovascular diseases. Computational fluid dynamics simulations compared non-Newtonian (non-Newt) and Newtonian (Newt) models under pulsatile and laminar flow. CA geometry was accurately designed using ANSYS Space Claim & Fusion360, and simulations were run in ANSYS Fluent. Discrepancies between non-Newt and Newt models were found, especially in bifurcation’s distal regions prone to plaque. Pressure ranged from 27.870 Pa to -107.643 Pa, showing mechanical force variations. Maximum velocity was 0.700 m/s, and some areas experienced stagnant flows. Wall shear stress (WSS) analysis revealed up to 5 Pa, indicating mechanical stress areas. This study underscores blood rheology’s role in CA hemodynamics. Comparison between non-Newt and Newt models highlighted significant differences in flow, pressure, and WSS patterns, especially where atherosclerotic plaques develop. These insights are crucial for cardiovascular disease understanding, guiding interventions, and advancing cardiovascular medicine, ultimately enhancing patient care.

Keywords:Carotid artery, Computational fluid dynamics, Newtonian, Non-Newtonian models, and Wall Shear Stress

[This article belongs to Journal of Polymer and Composites JOPC]

 How to cite this article: Revealing the Hemodynamic Orchestra: Contrasting Analysis of Blood Flow Patterns in a Bifurcated Carotid Artery JOPC 2024; 11:229 - 247

How to cite this URL: Revealing the Hemodynamic Orchestra: Contrasting Analysis of Blood Flow Patterns in a Bifurcated Carotid Artery JOPC 2024;{cited 2024-04-12 04:09}; 11:229 - 247.

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Issue 13