Colonial Rule and Urbanization of Ejigbo

Year : 2024 | Volume : 14 | Issue : 02 | Page : 1-7

    Iyanda Kamoru,

  • Umoize Stanley,

  1. Senior Lecturer, Department of History and International Studies, Federal University, Gashua Yobe State, Yobe State, Nigeria.
  2. Research Scholar, Department of history, University of Benin, Benin,, Edo State, Nigeria


The objective of this work is to study the urbanization of Ejigbo from 1914 to 1976 AD. A multi-disciplinary approach had been used in writing this thesis. Oral information was extensively used in cross checking written data. The rise of urban centers was an important factor of social life in colonial Nigeria. Before colonial rule, a number of urban centers existed in Nigeria, especially in the areas that make up northern and western Nigeria. Thus, some urban centers in colonial Nigeria were expansions of pre-colonial ones. A few positive effects of urbanization in colonial Ejigbo can be identified. Urban life brought Ejigbo people of different cultures and backgrounds together. They engaged in many mutually lucrative activities in the fields of commerce, industry and so on. In this sense, urbanization was a source of integration in Ejigbo. This integration even included marital links. Lasting friendships were developed among people of Ejigbo and these proved helpful to the integration efforts. Urbanization also encouraged the emergence and growth of institutions and practices that were totally alien to Ejigbo Town. The local government of Ejigbo aims to boost economic development through industrialization, likely leading to increased urbanization. Urban centers in Ejigbo are crucial for economic growth, necessitating a well-defined urbanization policy. This policy should focus on regional economic planning, utilizing provincial boundaries for organization. Additionally, towns should be classified based on revenue capacity to determine their autonomy and developmental responsibilities. Data collection and investment in infrastructure are also imperative for effective urban planning. Furthermore, Ejigbo’s historical significance and its role as a hub for the Muslim community underscore the need for inclusive development strategies.

Keywords: Colonial rule, culture, urbanization, integration, population, development of Ejigbo town

[This article belongs to Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal (osmj)]

How to cite this article:
Iyanda Kamoru, Umoize Stanley. Colonial Rule and Urbanization of Ejigbo. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2024; 14(02):1-7.
How to cite this URL:
Iyanda Kamoru, Umoize Stanley. Colonial Rule and Urbanization of Ejigbo. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2024; 14(02):1-7. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 02
Received 31/01/2024
Accepted 22/02/2024
Published 17/05/2024

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