Economic Development A Challenge with Sustainability

Year : 2024 | Volume :14 | Issue : 01 | Page : 86-90

Sameer Shamaljibhai Manek,

  1. Assistant Professor Department of Economics, Smt. A.V.D.S. Arts and Commerce College, Jamjodhapur, Jamnagar Gujarat India


The fast pace of Economic Development is the need and expectation of every economy but it must fine tune with sustainability is an urgent need considering the present situation. Developmental matters should be managed in such a way that it can be fruitful for the generation to come. The way we are moving in building infrastructure for the comforts and better living or to put the benchmark with the competitive world, we are moving away with the sustainability in the same. For a country the economic growth is essential but the growth should be organized in such a way that environment can be protected at the required level, it means the growth concept should be sustainable fairly. By increasing the initial cost of product if the future generation is getting the natural environment then much be taken seriously and should tried at utmost level by each and every business organization. The concept will be really useful for the firm in the long run even for gaining maximum profit for the firm and to distribute dividend to the shareholders. Investors will also be interested to invest in such project which has longer future. The concept of sustainable development will also be useful to firm to remain transparent and genuine in the eyes of the authority which increase the cooperation and smooth working of the firm. The present paper has conducted research work in the reference of sustainability with economic development with its objective, challenges, current scenario, golden rules etc. so that the development of the country becomes the development of each and every person and even for the generations to come.

Keywords: Sustainable Development, Golden Rules, Natural Environment, Future Generation, Ecofriendly

[This article belongs to Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal(osmj)]

How to cite this article: Sameer Shamaljibhai Manek. Economic Development A Challenge with Sustainability. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2024; 14(01):86-90.
How to cite this URL: Sameer Shamaljibhai Manek. Economic Development A Challenge with Sustainability. Omni Science: A Multi-disciplinary Journal. 2024; 14(01):86-90. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Review Article
Volume 14
Issue 01
Received February 22, 2024
Accepted April 5, 2024
Published April 10, 2024