Reforming Public Administration: Need of good Governance in India

Open Access

Year : 2023 | Volume : | : | Page : –


  1. Professor PES’s RSN College of Arts and Science India


Public administration that supports the conduct of government business and operation of management, remains an integral to the process of globalization and economic liberalization during 21st century. It continues to play significant role in forms of data sharing resources and multichannel information. Whereas good governance baked by ICT norms and supported by Simple, Morale, Accountable, Responsive, Transparent (SMART) policy, remains the backbone of decision makings through formation of sound public opinion, ethics of democratization, efficient public management, enhanced productivity, prompt delivery services and sustained economic productively. India, world’s largest democracy, knowingly backed by the largest public management system and the most complicated e-governance programmes, needs urgent reforms. Rampant corruption, financial scams, non-transparency of administrative polices and unaccountability of bureaucracy should be accompanied with serious reforms. Covid-19 that has dramatically changed the eco-social scenario of India and the world, needs to strengthen the pillars of good governance duly supported by the spirit of PPP, BOOT and LPG culture. Repeated wave of Corona Pandemic where thousands of Indians lost life for want of basic facilities due to virtual collapse of health care system and administrative mismanagement, are now alarming concerns. There is hardly any aspect of public or private life which is free from the fear of COVID-19. Good governance needs urgent attention to shed light on the unaddressed issues that existed in the Indian society since long time. Delivery of basic services, citizen empowerment, freedom of press, creation of business-friendly atmosphere and improved quality of life as essential ingredients of good governance, are now integral to public life. The paper examines a comparative study of selected stakeholders of public administration like legislature, bureaucracy, in-handed corporate and censored media. Data is being extensively derived from online sources apart from literacy sources.Public administration that supports the conduct of government business and operation of management, remains an integral to the process of globalization and economic liberalization during 21st century.

Keywords: Public administration, management, good governance, globalization, ICT norms

How to cite this article: Badruddin. Reforming Public Administration: Need of good Governance in India. NOLEGEIN Journal of Corporate & Business Laws. 2023; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Badruddin. Reforming Public Administration: Need of good Governance in India. NOLEGEIN Journal of Corporate & Business Laws. 2023; ():-. Available from:

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Open Access Article
Received May 20, 2021
Accepted June 5, 2021
Published June 5, 2023