Year : 2024 | Volume :11 | Issue : 01 | Page : 1-7

N. J. Sathe,

A. A. Salvithal,


Water is an essential requirement for the survival of the living organisms on earth planet. Though it seems to be available in sufficient amount, unfortunately its distribution in space and time is highly scattered. Therefore, water resources management practices should be identified using the spatial data set collected through remote sensing and other tools for its optimistic usage and exploration.
This study investigates the utilization of Geophysical and GIS Techniques for validating and managing watershed plans in Taradgaon village, Phaltan taluka of Satara district, Maharashtra. The objective is to facilitate the strategic placement of Water Harvesting Structures such as Check Dams, Percolation Tanks, Farm Ponds, Bore Wells, and Dug Wells. Thematic maps including the base map, geological map, drainage map, and DEM map are prepared to aid in the optimal positioning of these water harvesting structures.
Additionally, subsurface investigations employing geophysical resistivity sounding tests are conducted to obtain information regarding the subsurface rock layers and their individual thicknesses. These findings are then correlated with the local geology of the study area to enhance the understanding of the geological characteristics and inform the placement of water harvesting structures effectively.Using this co-relationship the major structures like check dam or percolation tank or farm ponds or bore-well or open dug wells can be explored with reference to its scientific data.

Keywords: Watershed Management, Electrical Resistivity, Maps, Water harvesting structures.

[This article belongs to Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management (jowrem)]

How to cite this article:
N. J. Sathe, A. A. Salvithal. VALIDATION OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN AT TARADGAON REGION USING GEOPHYSICAL & GIS TECHNIQUES. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management. 2024; 11(01):1-7.
How to cite this URL:
N. J. Sathe, A. A. Salvithal. VALIDATION OF WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLAN AT TARADGAON REGION USING GEOPHYSICAL & GIS TECHNIQUES. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management. 2024; 11(01):1-7. Available from:


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Regular Issue Subscription Original Research
Volume 11
Issue 01
Received 02/05/2024
Accepted 03/05/2024
Published 04/05/2024

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