Formulation and development of Lamivudine Nanoemulsion by using Emulsifying Polymers and It’s Evaluation

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Ms. Sakshi D. Dandgawal,

Dr. Dhananjay M. Patil,

Dr. Deepak D. Sonawane,

Mr. Yogesh P. Sharma,

  1. PG Student Department of Pharmaceutics, Divine College of Pharmacy, Satana, Nashik Maharashtra India
  2. Principal Divine College of Pharmacy, Satana, Nashik Maharashtra India
  3. Associate Professor Divine College of Pharmacy, Satana, Nashik Maharashtra India
  4. Assistant Professor Divine College of Pharmacy, Satana, Nashik Maharashtra India


Nanoemulsion is a novel approach to medicine delivery that helps to increase the bioavailability of drugs that aren’t particularly soluble in water. In this research work, nanoemulsion of Lamivudine was formulated by using polymers such as SPAN 80, TWEEN 80 and Whey protein concentrate with the help of Ultrasonication technology. The formulation was optimized. It was evaluated by assessing pH, viscosity, turbidity, in vitro franz diffusion study, particle size distribution, zeta potential and stability over three months.
The main objectives of the research work are preformulation studies of the drug, polymer studies, creation and evaluation of drug – loaded nanoemulsion formulation, optimization of formulation batches, stability studies as per ICH guidelines and in vitro evaluation of the prepared formulations.
As Tween 80 and SPAN 80 are non- ionic, biodegradable polymers, they were found to be good excipients of choice for the formulation. Formulation F6 is an optimized batch of nanoemulsions used to administer the white, solid crystalline medication lamivudine. The pH of Formulation F6 was 5.7, its viscosity was 3.4 cp, and its turbidity was 1.72. Over the course of the three-month stability trial period, a high percentage of drug release (97%) was sustained, as evidenced by in vitro diffusion experiments. Significant effects of Tween 80 and Span 80 on pH and drug release, respectively, were shown by the ANOVA analysis. Formulation F6 is the best nanoemulsion batch for lamivudine administration as it performed better overall in all areas, including stability, drug release, and physical characteristics.

Keywords: Polymer, Tween 80, Span 80, Whey protein concentrate, Lamivudine Nanoemulsion.

How to cite this article: Ms. Sakshi D. Dandgawal, Dr. Dhananjay M. Patil, Dr. Deepak D. Sonawane, Mr. Yogesh P. Sharma. Formulation and development of Lamivudine Nanoemulsion by using Emulsifying Polymers and It’s Evaluation. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Ms. Sakshi D. Dandgawal, Dr. Dhananjay M. Patil, Dr. Deepak D. Sonawane, Mr. Yogesh P. Sharma. Formulation and development of Lamivudine Nanoemulsion by using Emulsifying Polymers and It’s Evaluation. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from:


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Ahead of Print Subscription Original Research
Received July 3, 2024
Accepted July 29, 2024
Published September 2, 2024

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