Analysis of C45 Steel Machining with Differentiated Tool Bits

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Dr. D S Jenaris,


D S Jenaris,

D S Manoj Abraham,

N. Prabhu,

P Brightson,

  1. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, Grace College of Engineering, India Tamil Nadu India
  2. Associate Professor Department of Aeronautical Engineering,Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology Telangana India
  3. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSN Engineering College, India Tamil Nadu India
  4. Associate Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSN Engineering College, Tamil Nadu India
  5. Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, PSN Engineering College, Tamil Nadu India
  6. Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, PSN Engineering College, Tamil Nadu India


The tool material may be coated or uncoated, and cutting inserts are typically situated along the covered contact region. Work piece remains fixed while tool revolves for cutting and machining.
Objective: A NABL-accredited metallurgical evaluation laboratory (machining) assessed two specimens. Machining profile and materials determine insert selection. Analytical results show material composition. The surface qualities of samples 1 and 2 were examined. As DOC, cutting speed and tool tip temperature were monitored. The EDXA picture demonstrates C45 steel material transfer to tool inserts during machining.
Methods: Microscopic study reveals wear and fissures on the outside of an uncoated tool insert used to grind C45, which contains more phosphorus and sulfur. SEM image of an uncoated tool insert for machining low-phosphorus and sulfur C45 steel. As shown in the EDX study, the C45 steel material tool inserts lubrication and heat-producing materials throughout the machining process.
Finding: C45 steel (0.40–0.50% carbon) is studied. C45 steel has tiny amounts of Mo, Si, SiO2, Mn, and P. The research compared coated and uncoated tool inserts for C45 steel samples with varied sulphur and phosphorus levels. We milled samples to the appropriate diameter and tested them at 0.120, 0.170, and 0.220 mm/min feed rates, decreasing times (10.0, 14.48, and 18.46 m/min), and cut depths (0.75, 1.25, and 2.0 mm). Tool tip temperature vs. wear. Machining tool inserts with coatings perform better. These traces at low quantities provide excellent results.
Novelty: Edx Analysis was utilized to mill C45 steel with different phosphorus and sulfur percentages using uncoated and titanium-covered carbide tool inserts under dehydration. Compare the performance of coated and uncoated tool inserts for milling C45 steel. SEM and DEX spectroscopy analyzed the tool, work sample, and material behavior.

Keywords: SEM T, heat, C45 Steel, Thermometer and Wear surface.

How to cite this article: Dr. D S Jenaris, S.JoysonAbraham, D S Jenaris, D S Manoj Abraham, N. Prabhu, P Brightson. Analysis of C45 Steel Machining with Differentiated Tool Bits. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Dr. D S Jenaris, S.JoysonAbraham, D S Jenaris, D S Manoj Abraham, N. Prabhu, P Brightson. Analysis of C45 Steel Machining with Differentiated Tool Bits. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from:

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Ahead of Print Open Access Original Research
Received March 7, 2024
Accepted May 24, 2023
Published July 30, 2024

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