Review and Opportunities for Thermal examination approaches Used to Investigate the Thermal Properties of Composite Compounds

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Navin Kumar,

Rohit Kumar,

Abhishek Kumar,

Ashish Kumar,

Nitya Nand Jha,

  1. Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, Singhaul, Begusarai Bihar India
  2. Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, Singhaul, Begusarai Bihar India
  3. Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, Singhaul, Begusarai Bihar India
  4. Sitamarhi Institute of Technology, Sitamarhi, India Bihar India
  5. Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering, Singhaul, Begusarai Bihar India


The use of thermal examination approach to assess the thermal quality of energy materials in “China” is concisely described. They are often used to calculate thermal stability, compatibility, and thermophysical constants, as well as to study thermal breakdown kinetics, causes, and interactions. Furthermore, a few studies focused on creativity or advancement, such as analyzing the mechanisms of topochemical reactions, assessing condensed-phase reaction kinetics by tracking the change in functional groups through Thermo-infrared spectroscopy, and assessing gas-formation reaction kinetics using Thermo-mass or Thermo-infrared spectrometry. The current study summarizes and discusses the relationships between thermal properties and mechanical or combustion performance, the TX and HX phase diagrams, life expectancy and “low-temperature viscosity” predictions, and the “low-temperature thermal behaviour” of liquid energetic materials. Recommendations for future thermal experiments into composite materials are also given.

Keywords: Thermal Property, Composite, Phase diagram, thermo mechanical examination.

How to cite this article: Navin Kumar, Rohit Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Nitya Nand Jha. Review and Opportunities for Thermal examination approaches Used to Investigate the Thermal Properties of Composite Compounds. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Navin Kumar, Rohit Kumar, Abhishek Kumar, Ashish Kumar, Nitya Nand Jha. Review and Opportunities for Thermal examination approaches Used to Investigate the Thermal Properties of Composite Compounds. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from:

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Ahead of Print Open Access Review Article
Received July 17, 2024
Accepted July 29, 2024
Published July 30, 2024

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