Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume :12 | Special Issue : 02 | Page : 311-319

Kasiviswanadham P,

Sanjeet Kumar,

Mrinmoy Majumdernd,

  1. Research Scholar Department of Civil Engineering, KLEF University, India Andhra Pradesh India
  2. Associate Professor Department of Civil Engineering, KLEF University, India Andhra Pradesh India
  3. Asst.professor School of Hydro-informatics Engg, National Institute of Technology Agartala Tripura India


This paper examines input variables and their respective selection criteria intended for application in methodologies addressing water scarcity. It presents a comparative analysis of prominent approaches utilized in assessing water stress within urban contexts, such as the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Geographic Overlay Decision (GOD), and System for Integrated Assessment of City Transformation towards Sustainability (SINTACTS). The principal aim is to scrutinize prevailing input parameters employed in water stress analyses, ensuring standardized accuracy and comprehensive coverage, particularly at the national level. The effectiveness of these methods is acknowledged at broader scales, suggesting finer-level applicability through careful consideration of data suitability, especially in diverse hilly terrains. Additionally, the paper discusses strategies to enhance the quality and precision of analyses to accommodate city and district-level assessments by harnessing highly precise spatial and non-spatial data. By offering a methodological framework that enhances the precision and dependability of water stress evaluations within urban landscapes, this review contributes pertinent insights to urban planning and water resource management

Keywords: Water Stress, AHP, MCDM, Urban Planning, Water resource management.

[This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Journal of Polymer and Composites(jopc)]

How to cite this article: Kasiviswanadham P, Sanjeet Kumar, Mrinmoy Majumdernd. REVIEW OF INPUT SELECTION CRITERIA; COMPARISON OF POPULAR METHODS USED IN WATER STRESS ANALYSIS.. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 12(02):311-319.
How to cite this URL: Kasiviswanadham P, Sanjeet Kumar, Mrinmoy Majumdernd. REVIEW OF INPUT SELECTION CRITERIA; COMPARISON OF POPULAR METHODS USED IN WATER STRESS ANALYSIS.. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 12(02):311-319. Available from:

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Special Issue Open Access Review Article
Volume 12
Special Issue 02
Received April 23, 2024
Accepted May 8, 2024
Published June 27, 2024

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