Parametric optimization and validation of novel 3D scanning approach for sustainable manufacturing of patient-specific orthodontic retainers

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume : | : | Page : –

Sumit Gahletia


Ramesh Kumar Garg

  1. Research Scholar Mechanical engineering department, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal,Sonipat, Haryana India
  2. Professor Mechanical engineering department, Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal,Sonipat,


The purpose of the proposed study is to identify the ideal procedure parameters for 3D scanning a denture in order to produce customised orthodontic retainers that can be produced sustainably. However, pilot investigations rarely explore parameters like scanning angle, light intensity, or scanning distance. In order to lower acquisition error, the suggested study examines a method for forecasting the ideal values of the previously indicated scanning parameters. Based on the fundamental face-centered composite design, twenty testing iterations with various input parameter settings were suggested. From a physical denture model, each of these 20 scans was utilised to create a 3-D CAD model. The standard deviation of each model was computed to assess the accuracy of the data gathered. RSM’s utilisation of the standard deviation enables parametric optimisation for increased scan model accuracy. The best accuracy has been demonstrated experimentally by the RSM method at 8.33 inches of scanning distance, 65.61 degrees of angle, and 17.27 watts per square metre of light.

Keywords: 3D scanning, process optimization, central composite design, response surface methodology, data acquisition

How to cite this article: Sumit Gahletia, Ramesh Kumar Garg. Parametric optimization and validation of novel 3D scanning approach for sustainable manufacturing of patient-specific orthodontic retainers. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-.
How to cite this URL: Sumit Gahletia, Ramesh Kumar Garg. Parametric optimization and validation of novel 3D scanning approach for sustainable manufacturing of patient-specific orthodontic retainers. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; ():-. Available from:

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Ahead of Print Open Access Original Research
Received March 21, 2024
Accepted April 4, 2024
Published May 16, 2024

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