Modelling of Large Elasto-plastic Deformations by EFGM

Open Access

Year : 2024 | Volume :12 | Special Issue : 02 | Page : 130-143

Azher Jameel,


G. A. Harmain,


Mohammad Junaid Mir,

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  2. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  3. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora,, Jammu and Kashmir, India


Current work reports modelling and simulation of geometric and material nonlinearities arising due large elasto-plastic displacements in structural specimens by invoking enriched element free Galerkin method (EFGM). The displacement approximations are constructed by using moving least square approach. Standard displacement based approximations are modified by incorporating suitable enrichment functions depending on the nature of interfaces present in the components. Large deformations give rise to geometric nonlinearities which have been modelled by invoking total Lagrangian approach in which the initial unloaded state is chosen as the reference state for investigation. One of the main advantages of total Lagrangian approach lies in the selection of reference configuration which remains same throughout the simulation. Elastic-predictor-plastic-corrector algorithm has been used for the estimation of stresses during simulation. Mathematical foundations on EFGM are programmed in MATLAB to solve different engineering problems. Finally, various nonlinear problems are reported to establish the potential of enriched EFGM in modelling geometric and material nonlinearities in bi-material structural components. The results obtained in the current work are compared with finite element and coupled FE-EFG solutions so that the potential and accuracy of the proposed approach are established.

Keywords: EFGM, Bi-material interfaces, Elasto-plasticity, Large Deformation, Enrichment Functions

[This article belongs to Special Issue under section in Journal of Polymer and Composites (jopc)]

How to cite this article:
Azher Jameel, G. A. Harmain, Mohammad Junaid Mir. Modelling of Large Elasto-plastic Deformations by EFGM. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 12(02):130-143.
How to cite this URL:
Azher Jameel, G. A. Harmain, Mohammad Junaid Mir. Modelling of Large Elasto-plastic Deformations by EFGM. Journal of Polymer and Composites. 2024; 12(02):130-143. Available from:

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Special Issue Open Access Original Research
Volume 12
Special Issue 02
Received 21/03/2024
Accepted 06/04/2024
Published 14/05/2024