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Open Access
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Om Prakash Sondhiya, Roopesh Tiwari
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- Assistant Professor, HOD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Engineering &Technology, DAVV,Indore, , Department of Mechanical Engineering, SAGE University, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, India, India
n[/if 1175][/foreach]
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nIn the fields of mechanics and materials science, photoelasticity is a reliable experimental method that provides a visual evaluation and analysis of the distribution of stress in materials that are transparent or translucent. This non-destructive testing technique uses the special property of materials known as birefringence, or double refraction, to visualise stress on a model under load. The process involves building a physical model that mimics real-world structures, applying mechanical stress to the model, and carefully choosing a suitable photo elastic material that exhibits birefringence. The material undergoes birefringence when it is under stress, which causes changes to its optical characteristics. As a consequence, different stress levels are reflected in the pattern, which makes it easier to identify stress concentrations and possible failure areas and offers insights into how materials behave under varied circumstances. In the current study, a photoelasticity unit was used to evaluate the compact circular specimen under four different stresses. Next, a comparison was made between the experimental analysis’s results and those from the ANSYS simulation
Keywords: Polarization, Photo elasticity, Polari Scope, Stress, Isochromatic and Isoclinic Fringes.
n[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”][This article belongs to Journal of Polymer and Composites(jopc)]
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- [if 1106 equals=””], [/if 1106][if 1106 not_equal=””],[/if 1106]
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Volume | ||
[if 424 equals=”Regular Issue”]Issue[/if 424][if 424 equals=”Special Issue”]Special Issue[/if 424] [if 424 equals=”Conference”][/if 424] | ||
Received | January 9, 2024 | |
Accepted | March 6, 2024 | |
Published | April 18, 2024 |
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