Comparative analysis of thermal conductivity of the hybrid nanoparticles based sunflower and Jatropha vegetable oil

Year : | Volume : 11 | Issue : | Page : –

    Amol Asalekar

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    Amol Asalekar

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    D.V. A. Rama Sastry

  1. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Educational Foundation, Andhra Pradesh, India
  2. Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, MIT Academy of Engineering, Maharashtra, India


Vegetable oil gained much more interest towards sustainable manufacturing as coolant due to its inherent properties. In this present study, the thermal conductivity of hybrid nanoparticles based sunflower and Jatropha vegetable oil are measured. ZnO-Ag Hybrid nanoparticles were mixed with sunflower and Jatropha vegetable oil in four different volume concentrations of nanofluids ranges from 0.05 to 0.20%. The thermophysical properties viz, thermal conductivity and Stability of prepared hybrid nanoparticles-based vegetable oil were measured by varying the concentrations. The obtained results demonstrate that the thermal conductivity of both the nanofluids are increase with increase in the volume concentration and temperature. Also, comparative experimental values showed that a maximum of 5 % enhancement of thermal conductivity was observed more in sunflower based nanofluid for 0.2% particle volume concentration than jatropha based hybrid nanofluid. Both nanofluids further be utilized for the manufacturing process as coolant for a better surface finish.

Keywords: Thermal conductivity, hybrid nanofluid, Vegetable oil

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How to cite this article: Amol Asalekar, Amol Asalekar, D.V. A. Rama Sastry Comparative analysis of thermal conductivity of the hybrid nanoparticles based sunflower and Jatropha vegetable oil jopc ; :-
How to cite this URL: Amol Asalekar, Amol Asalekar, D.V. A. Rama Sastry Comparative analysis of thermal conductivity of the hybrid nanoparticles based sunflower and Jatropha vegetable oil jopc {cited };:-. Available from:

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Open Access Original Research
Received October 19, 2023
Accepted December 18, 2023

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