S. Chandra Sekhar
K S B S V Sastry
Lalithya Karuturi
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah education and foundation, Andhra Pradesh, India
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Vasavi Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh, India
In the manufacturing and metal cutting industries, the quality of the surface and strength is essential in defining the surface finish; an excellent surface finish indicates excellent quality in the product. The influence of machining parameters speed, feed and depth of cut on responses like material removal rate, surface roughness and Power consumption on turning of AA6061-TiB2 composites is investigated using the VIKOR-ENTROPY method. The effects of changing parameters on AA6061-TiB2 in-situ composite produced by the halide salt reaction method are explored in this paper. Twenty-seven experimental runs are carried out based on an orthogonal array. Material removal is selected as a quantitative target, and surface roughness is chosen as a qualitative target. This paper also refers to the Multi-response parameter optimization of CNC turning, such as speed, feed, and depth of cut, to improve material removal rate while simultaneously minimizing surface roughness and power consumption in turning composite. In order to handle these disparate responses, a novel entropy-VIKOR approach is used. The entropy approach calculates each response’s weight, and VIKOR is employed to rank the different parameter values. The combination of 1200 rpm speed, 150 mm/min feed, and 0.6 mm depth of cut is the best setting for this technique to simultaneously minimize surface roughness, power consumption and increase material removal rate.
Keywords: In-situ composites, turning, entropy, vikor, optimization
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Journal of Polymer and Composites
Volume | |
Issue | |
Received | October 19, 2023 |
Accepted | November 21, 2023 |
Published |
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